People are getting sick and tired of the political promises and games of our elected and appointed officials.  Do you remember back in the Sixties when the “Masses Assembled” to voice their grievances against the government? These protests changed the direction of this Nation for years to come.

Some people feel the local political environment is becoming ripe for the “Masses to Assemble” to protest in a positive, creative and non-violent way against the wasteful spending habits of local elected and appointed on public works projects.

Some feel that Its time to challenge the out of control nepotism and political patronage practices at the Civic Center.  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Many of our working poor are facing another day working at a minimum wage job without benefits.  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Some of our local elementary schools continue to post F grades while our extremely well paid  EVSC Administrators create new slogans and workshops in an attempt to attack this unacceptable problem without measurable results. Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

The EVSC Administration and elected School Board to continue to reject Local 215 Teamsters reasonable request to work out a solution to settle labor contract issues.  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

DMD have been purchasing vacant lots and dilapidated property on North Main way over assessed value.  DMD also has given hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars for Facade Grants to political supporters of the Mayor?  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Gail Riecken has been criticizing the Mayor for his over-spending habits.  Isn’t it time that Mrs. Riecken tells us what she is going to do differently if she elected Mayor?  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Do you want to know what Mayor Winnecke’s plans are for the future of Evansville if he’s re-elected?  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Crime is rampant in certain sections of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wards seemly without a workable plan to attack this issue in a positive way.  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you tired of our elected officials awarding Legal, Development, Consulting and Construction contracts to out of town individuals and firms?  Could this be a reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Would you like to know why Gail Riecken decided to join fellow Democrats in Urbana, Illinois to boycott the Republican “Anti-Working Family” legislation?  Could this be a reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you feed up with the practice of out of town firms that donate money to elected officials campaigns being awarded City contracts?  Could this be a reason for a “Call To Assemble”?   

Do you want know if Gail Riecken is benefiting from the LST contract with the City?  Could this be a reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you upset that a few members of City Council wasted $200,000 of our tax dollars on the Earthcare Energy project? Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you concerned that the Mayor continues to support deficit spending without regard to budgetary constraints?  Could this be a reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Our Sewer and Water Systems are dilapidated and will cost the ratepayers many millions of dollars to repair.  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

The City Employee Health Care Fund as of June 30, 2015, owes Medical providers about $4 million dollars.  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Do you think its’ appropriate that our part-time City Council members receive a $20,000 Health Insurance benefit package paid by the taxpayers?  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Do you agree with the decision of the Mayor and City Council giving the Developer of the Downtown Hotel over $20 million dollars without having ZERO ownership?   Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you concerned that the Mayor and City Council committed exactly $57 million dollars to the I U Medical School and the State only put $25 million towards this project?  It’s important to point out that Evansville has ZERO ownership. in this project when it is finished.   Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you concerned that about 2,000  IVY Tech medical students have been left out of the  Medical School project?  Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?  

Do you feel that its time that our soon to be elected  City Officials be encouraged to become “Good Stewards of the Public Trust?   Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Are you aware that City-County Officials have discreetly increased our property tax assessment over the last several years which in turn have increased our property taxes?   Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?  

When the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty!   Could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”.   Don’t miss reading today’s IS IT TRUE articles because they are always an interesting read.

Copyright 2015 City-County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Any word on the Kunkle Group’s multi-million dollar loan for the McCurdy that was supposed to close last week?

  2. To CCO—

    Did you failed to put the legal disclaimer “Paid For by Gail Riecken For Mayor”.
    Your total bias support for Gail Riecken in unbelievable. Is the CCO fair and balanced in their reporting?????????????

    The CCO states a lot of unfounded bias innuendos. For any alleged problem, you do not cite any specific solution or where you recommend to get the money to fix the alleged problem.

    Wayne Parke

    • Wayne, hopefully the days of you and your cronies feeding at the public trough are about over.

  3. How much will the $57,000,000 bribe to site the “IU Medical School” downtown ultimately cost Evansville taxpayers, including interest?

  4. When a city is saddled with a mayor as inept as Llord Winnecke questions like the CCO asks must be heard. The answer will be silence and cheapō sniping from the usual suspects.

    This is a sad time in Evansville’s history, watching as if in slow motion while a weak and accidental mayor, despite his limititations, works his handler’s considerable will while spending your hard earned current and future money very foolishly. The people are numb, they slumber in the bliss of an idiot. It is all that is necessary for bad people to have their way. Llord cannot stand up in front of the people and state why his Ahab-like quest for another downtown hotel is necessary. He has the canned answers fed and hard wired into his little noggin but would not be able to give credible responses to questions on the subject with any believability. He cannot tell you, with any conviction, why that medical school should be shoehorned in downtown when several cheaper and more logical alternatives exist. It begins to look shady.

    You have to figure the mayor is worried when they send someone with no credibility out to toss air darts at a media outlet that is simply asking legitimate questions. The local print paper is obviously in the tank for Winnecke. They long ago lost any claim to objectivity and it is unclear if the Winnecke campaign is actually paying them for their pieces on his behalf or they work for free, in either case it is more than they are worth.

    ‘What would Gail do?’ It doesn’t matter. Winnecke is one of those rare politicians who must be de-elected regardless of the alternative. We are fortunate to have a good alternative and must not let the chance to put her in the mayor’s office go by.

    ☆ Gail Riecken For Mayor ☆
    ☆ Anna Melcher For 3rd Ward Council ☆

  5. I heard a rumor that vectren is buying up properties around Washington and Bedford area to build a sub station for the school going in the downtown area Is this true???

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