Indiana Government Salary Link


The City County Observer is pleased to make this link to the salary data base for all State of Indiana employees available to our readers. This link opens up the entire data base from highest pay of Tom Crean at $600,000 per year and proceeding down.

You can click on the “new search” icon at the bottom left to do additional searches by name or institution. For example if you click “new search” and insert the name “Daniels” you will get a list of all of the people named Daniels that work for the State of Indiana. Mitch Daniels, our Governor is 3rd on that list with a salary of $95,000.

If you search again under “employer” and choose the University of Southern Indiana you will get a list of all of the USI State employees with their salaries listed from highest to lowest.

This is one way to monitor your tax dollars at work so investigate to your heart’s desire.


  1. One hell of a difference between the salaries of IU president and IU basketball coach. Comparing the same positions at USI it would seem that USI places more emphasis (money) on the academic side.


  2. You have to be kidding?? The first 8 pages have nothing but PUBLIC schools, then we have a person or two from a hospital!! No wonder EVERYONE wants to go into ” public service”!!!!! LOL

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