Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs to host Community Outreach Event in Indianapolis


The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) will be hosting a Community Outreach event for Hoosier veterans, service members and their dependents on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. The event will offer variety assistance for participants including introductions to prospective employers, remission of fees, VA benefits, claims process, care and education opportunities.

“The event is an opportunity to increase awareness of available resources for veterans as a result of their military service,” said Deanna Pugh, Director of Veterans Employment and Education. “Hoosier veterans bring unique skills, leadership capabilities and experience to the table. We invite all those who are interested to register for the event and take full advantage of opportunities offered to veterans by the state of Indiana.” 

The event will take place from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. EST at the 38th Division Armory, 3912 W. Minnesota Street, Indianapolis, IN 46241. To register, please visit IDVA’s event page or call toll free at 1-844-480-0009. Admission is free and open to the public.   

Since its establishment in 1945, IDVA has remained focused on aiding and assisting Hoosier veterans and qualified family members or survivors, who are eligible for benefits or advantages provided by the state of Indiana and the U.S. government.