How can Cross-Cultural Psychology Benefit your Business?


Are you interested in learning how organizational psychology could benefit employee communication, market-entry analysis, and human resource practices and policies in your business? The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library will host Cross-Cultural Psychological Literacy: A Science-Based Approach to Global Business.

The program will take place on May 9 and again on June 13 at 6:00 pm in the Large Group Room at Central Library.

The interactive presentation will cover:

How societal cultures can be compared based on their values, pratices, use of time.
How cross-cultural literacy can inform market-entry decisions, employee communications, marketing and branding, HR policies, etc.
Countries that can be discussed in-depth: US, China, Japan, Thailand, Signapore, Netherlands, Switzerland, Argentina, and Mexico.

This program is presented by organizational scientist Jan Aylsworth, who uses scientifically valid frameworks from the social sciences to help organizations avoid and resolve issues related to culture-of-origin.

For more information, call 428-8218 or visit