House Supports Sullivan’s Bill To Boost State’s Workforce


The Indiana House of Representatives voted in favor of State Rep. Holli Sullivan’s (R-Evansville) legislation to continue strengthening Indiana’s workforce pipeline.

Sullivan said House Bill 1002 would reallocate existing state funds to proven workforce programs so Hoosiers can increase their certifications, earn stackable credentials and secure higher-paying jobs in high-demand fields to meet the changing needs of Indiana employers.

“By 2020, nearly two-thirds of in-demand jobs will require experience beyond a high school education,” Sullivan said. “Indiana’s private sector continues to grow and we need to attract and retain more skilled workers to fill the jobs becoming available. This legislation would build off our previous workforce efforts and continue strengthening our talent pipelines.”

According to Sullivan, her legislation would also prioritize career and technical education and provide additional flexibility for schools to partner with employers to establish more work-based learning opportunities. To explore and learn more about opportunities after high school, Hoosier freshman and sophomores could enroll in a CTE or college preparatory course.

“Helping schools partner with local companies and industry experts will aid in our goal of educating and training the next generation of Indiana’s workers,” Sullivan said. “The Career Coaching Grant Fund Program is designed to help students and parents become knowledgeable of postsecondary certificate and degree pathways eligible for them to pursue earlier in their middle school and high school career.”