Did Hillary Commit Perjury By Lying to The FBI? Or to Congress?


Did Hillary Commit Perjury By Lying to The FBI? Or to Congress?

The FBI is expected to release notes from its July 1 interview with former Secretary of State and current Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton about her use of private email servers to transmit and store top secret, classified information. According to the FBI, the interview wasn’t electronically recorded and was conducted just three days before FBI Director James Comey announced charges would not be brought against Clinton despite her “extremely careless” mishandling of classified information.

Now, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte are making the case Clinton committed perjury by either lying to the FBI or lying under oath during Congressional testimony.

In a letter sent to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips Monday, Chaffetz and Goodlatte outlined their case by highlighting numerous examples of Clinton’s own conflicting statements about her private email server.

“The evidence collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system during her time as Secretary of State appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony,” the letter states. “During a House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing on October 22, 2015, Secretary Clinton testified with respect to (1) whether she sent or received emails that were marked classified at the time; (2) whether her attorneys reviewed each of the emails on her personal email system; (3) whether there was one, or more servers that stored work-related emails during her time as Secretary of State; and (4) whether she provided all her work-related emails to the Department of State.”

“Although there may be other aspects of Secretary Clinton’s sworn testimony that are at odds with the FBI’s findings, her testimony in those four areas bears specific scrutiny in light of the facts and evidence FBI Director James Comey described in his public statement on July 5, 2016 and in testimony before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016,” the letter continues.


  1. Sad people, stuck with a tanking clown and still putting their real hopes, as thin as they are, on an indictment. Not gonna happen.

    • If she had lied to the FBI she would have already been in jail. Duh. She didn’t lie to the FBI or to Congress. Get over it wing nuts. Bandana those right wing nut conspiracy theorist still think that the Earth if flat. Good Lord are they in need of some new news stations.

  2. The worm might soon turn on folks like the contemptible Jason Chaffetz. In their zeal to showcase their Fox-fueled hatred of the Clintons, they forget those majorities could soon go away and with them a change in the chairmanships that enable them to put on these dog and pony shows. That could result in some of those so eager to criminalize the most innocuous behavior for political purposes themselves ending up in the dock.

    The polls are hardening. The Republicans are stuck with Rump. They are very fearful and apparently still betting on everything but their nominee. Now that Manafort has a little free time, keeping his title as ‘campaign chair’ but basically being neutered in place, as if during a date with Joni Ernst, perhaps he can make a personal plea to Putin to fire up his tanks for a nice little drive into the Ukraine.

    товарищ Трампа’s new campaign honch is Breitbart News chairman Stephen Bannon. An investment banker with no political campaign experience. They are desperate.

    • Jason Chaffetz.

      I watched this Mormon injected prick cry out of one eye in a Benghazi hearing that could have flushed all of the lead out of Flint, Michigan.

      Then when the ambassador was mentioned, both eyes exploded and I seriously considered building me an Arc.

      Never seen a wet eyelash from the fake asshole on any other loss of American life in any of his committees.

      Ambassador Chaffetz

      Crying America through the 21st Century….

    • But what else is knew ..Whitewater ..Travelgate ..and when we thought that Dick Nixon’s ghost was gone ..

      • We are seeing the ghosts of a high-tech version of Watergate. The Russians hacking the DNC’s system is the same scenario, except it is a foreign power that is trying to influence the election outcome. I guess it’s okay with the Trumpers, though. The Donald does have a man-crush on Vlad and at least Putting is white and male.

  3. Nothing there. Just desperation by the floundering Trump campaign and it’s congressional surrogates. They can’t win the election straight up so they keep trying to relitigate things that have been investigated to death at the public’s expense. She didn’t commit perjury. That word has a very specific meaning in law.

    Criminalizing politics will have a horrible downside to the Republicans who are engaging in it to try to benefit a candidate who is neither appreciative or deserving of their efforts.

  4. Who wrote this? The PENCE article also posted today………..NO ATTRIBUTION. (And it’s a freakin’ Press Release presented as “NEWS”)

    IS the integrity of the CCO withering….as it seems?

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