Hero Camp With Pulitzer Nominee T. HarRiMaN TO Be Held At cMOE

Need some “me time” while the kids are out of school? Hero Camp is your answer! Pulitzer nominee T. HarRiMaN will be conducting Hero Camp for kids eight and older from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29, at cMoe.
“As a mom of four, I want my kids to have a fun and festive holiday break from school, but I run out of things for them to do,” said HarRiMaN. “Or I run out of energy. That’s why I planned this program for the young people in our community. Kids attending this program will have fun while they’re doing something that’s good for them and the community.”
Every hour on the hour, T. HarRiMan will read from her action-adventure fantasy BURN THIS BOOK: THE 10,000 YEAR PLAN. She’ll then lead attendees through a dream-making exercise and other fun games. Each hour’s program will end with a signing. Each book is $12, though the event is included with general admission. For more information, contact welcome@tharriman.com.