Halloween Safety




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Halloween is only a few days away, and soon kids and families will be trick-or-treating throughout our community. I always enjoy seeing everyone out in the community enjoying the autumn weather and time with their friends. While this time is exciting for children, sometimes it can be hectic for parents and guardians. Whether you plan on taking part in the festivities or are planning a Halloween party, there are some important safety precautions to consider so everyone has an enjoyable time.

Plan a safe route for trick-or-treating and go in a group, with a few trusted adults, and try to stay on the sidewalk when walking to and from different houses. Never take short cuts through back alleys and fields.  It’s also always a good idea to have a good meal before trick-or-treating so you won’t be tempted to eat all of your candy! When kids return, be sure to inspect their “goody bags” in case the candy has been tampered with or looks unusual. Costume accessories such as swords, knives, etc. should be short, soft, and flexible to avoid accidents.

While young children should be accompanied by an adult if you choose to let older children trick-or-treat with friends remind them to be aware of their surroundings. Make sure they know your cellphone number and home telephone number memorized. Consider giving them a cellphone, so they can reach you easily. Also make sure someone in their group has a flashlight or even glow sticks so they are easily visible.

If you are out driving during Halloween make sure to be especially alert in residential neighborhoods. Drive slowly and allow extra time to reach your destination as there will most likely be heavy pedestrian traffic. I know many of these things are common sense, but it’s important that everyone has a safe and fun time this Thursday!

If your child has not decided on an outfit, there is still time for an easy do-it-yourself costume. I remember some of the creative ones I saw from last year that really stuck out. If your child would like to be “smarty-pants” for Halloween, take a hot-glue gun and glue 30-35 rolls of Smarties candies on the front of an old pair of pants. If your child would like to be a rubric’s cube cut the holes for the head and arms in a square box (16 by 16 inches) and then glue four 8 ½ by 11 inches of sheets of green paper then repeat with blue, orange, yellow, and red paper on the other sides.

For Mount Vernon, the local time for trick-or-treating is between 5:30pm and 7pm on Thursday, October 31.  Keep these safety tips in mind but above all remember to have fun!

Also, don’t forget that the deadline to intern with the Indiana House of Representatives is quickly approaching. October 31st is the last day to submit your application. Unlike many other internship programs nowadays, interns will be compensated for their time and service, $700 biweekly. They are also eligible to apply for a $3000 scholarship from Verizon to be applied to future educational expenses. Applicants from all academic majors are accepted. To apply online, visitwww.in.gov/legislative/house_republicans/intern.html. The website provides many informative videos and additional information about each department to assist applicants.

We always have some interns from our area serve at the Statehouse, and I hope to see that trend continue!