Graduation Rates Rise More than Six Percent in Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation


The Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation has learned that its graduation rate for its five high schools’ four-year cohort is continuing its upward trajectory and now exceeds 87 percent for May 2010 graduates.

“We are very pleased with the significant increase in the overall graduation rate. I commend our students, parents, faculty, staff, and community partners for this effort,” said Superintendent Vince Bertram. “This is very positive news; however, I will not be satisfied until we graduate every child with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed beyond high school. We will remain diligent in our improvement efforts. “

Some of the new initiatives in the EVSC for high school students during the 2009-2010 school year include: the one-to-one laptop computer initiative providing all high school students their own netbook as an educational tool used in and outside the classrooms; introduction of the Virtual Academy where online coursework can be used to recover credits, accelerate education, or integrated into the regular classroom experience. More than 400 credits were recovered by high school students in summer school through the EVSC Virtual Academy. The EVSC recently implemented a data warehouse which allows teachers and administrators access to student performance information. This information is used to modify instruction to better meet the individual learning needs of students. Data teams at each school have received professional development to learn how to use information, and to modify instruction and bring about positive change.

This year, the EVSC opened the Academy for Innovative Studies for students in grades 6-12, which also houses The Learning Center. This school replaces Henry Reis Alternative High School and Christa McAuliffe Alternative Middle School, which closed. “Many students need more than the traditional four years of high school in order to complete their degree,” Bertram said. “This school, with its individualized programs and innovative classes, helps to engage students and meet their needs.” The EVSC’s four-year graduation rate, which includes students enrolled at Henry Reis, The Learning Center, and some students last listed as having attended Christa McAuliffe, is 84 percent.

“The commitment of our teachers, counselors, staff and administrators, is helping our students to make strides,” said David Dimmett, chief academic officer. “We are pleased with the increase in graduation rate, and now as we strive to meet the state’s goal of 90 percent, we also want to see an increase in graduates going on to successful, post-secondary education experiences.” The Southwest Indiana College Access Network (SICAN), housed at the EVSC’s Center for Family, School, and Community Partnerships, helps first-generation college goers learn what it will take to go to college and how to get there. Since its inception in 2008, it has provided direct service to 187 students.

All EVSC high schools exceeded the 80% graduation threshold with Reitz leading the way with a 96% graduation rate. Bosse showed the most improvement raising from 68.3% in 2008 to 85% in 2010.


  1. it is great to see the graduation rate going up ,I just hope the teachers are not passing students that can not read and do math at a 12th grade level. I personally know of such people unfortunately.

    • Yes, we understand, just because one has a diploma awarded does not mean that their is any ability to think or the life skills to be productive. Increasing the graduation rates without increasing the ISTEP scores is suspicious. Maybe you are right and the credentials are granted as opposed to earned.

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