Governor Signs O’Brien’s Bill Aimed At Reversing State’s EMS into Law


STATEHOUSE (April 8, 2024) – Gov. Eric Holcomb recently signed legislation authored by State Rep. Tim O’Brien (R-Evansville) into law that calls for a statewide study of the growing shortage of emergency medical services personnel so steps can be taken to address it.

“We know our EMS workforce isn’t keeping up with demand, so we need to understand the root causes by doing a deep dive study,” O’Brien said. “Once we have more data, we can identify solutions that ensure these men and women have the resources and support they need to keep Hoosiers safe.”

O’Brien said the new law will require county executives to report on the status of each local EMS provider in the county to the state, which would utilize the data to explore ways to improve services, recruiting, and training, and address workforce shortages. Emergency medical services are provided by fire departments and public hospitals as well as private entities that have been contracted through local communities and health care providers.

According to the 2023 Indiana EMS Workforce Assessment, Vanderburgh County has a shortage of EMS services and cited challenges like long shifts, low wages, and physical and mental stress, impacting recruitment and retention efforts.


  1. How about money to help volunteer fire depts pay for members to go thru ems training. Vol fire dept budgets find it hard to pay in excess of $1,000 for a member to go to class.

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