Governor and First Lady to Host Trick-or-Treaters At The Governor’s Residence


Governor and First Lady to Host Trick-or-Treaters At The Governor’s Residence

Gov. Eric J. Holcomb and First Lady Janet Holcomb will host trick-or-treaters at the governor’s residence to celebrate Halloween.

The governor and first lady will pass out candy, donated by Frankfort-based Zachary Confections, and mini basketballs to trick-or-treaters from 6 to 8 p.m. on October 31. They will dress in basketball-themed costumes.

Trick-or-treaters should enter through the gate on 46th Street.

Wednesday, Oct. 31: Trick-or-Treat with the Governor and First Lady

WHO Gov. Eric Holcomb
First Lady Janet Holcomb
First Dog Henry Holcomb

WHAT: Halloween

WHEN: 6 – 8 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 31

WHERE: Indiana Governor’s Residence, 46th St. Entrance
4750 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46