Gas Price Map of the United States: Evansville Gas Prices Slow to Go Respond to Drop in Barrel Price


See Just Who Gets Hosed and Who Catches a Break

We all have a real sense of the fact that taxation differences always seem to keep gasoline between 5 cents and 10 cents cheaper in Henderson, KY than they are in Evansville, IN. There is essentially no instance where it is worth the time and the gas to make a special trip to Henderson to save that $1.50 but if we are crossing the money saving bridge for other purposes, most all of us gas up before coming home.

The map on this link shows on a county to county basis what the gas prices are all over the United States. Greenville, SC has the lowest average prices and Chicago is the highest. Evansville as always comes in at exactly the average of the averages at $3.76 per gallon.

Henderson is currently only $3.55 per gallon much more that just the difference in taxes from Indiana to Kentucky.