Garvin Park Flag Raising Ceremony


Evansville, Indiana –Keep Evansville Beautiful hosted VFW Post 1114 members at a flag raising ceremony today at the Garvin Park Fountain. The event showcased the recently repainted and repaired 65-foot tall flagpole, which is located directly behind the fountain at the end of Main Street.

The VFW Post 1114 honor guard procession opened the event, followed by a flag retirement ceremony to remove the existing U.S. and Indiana flags. A 21-gun salute followed the raising of new flags and Taps were played to honor veterans’ service to our country.

Keep Evansville Beautiful coordinated the repainting of the flagpole that was completed in October. The VFW Post 1114 donated the new U.S. and Indiana flags and the West Side Nut Club made a special gift for the re-painting. The ceremony recognized the contributions of individuals and businesses as the key reason the fountain and flagpole have once again become a souce of pride for the whole community.

The Garvin Park Fountain is a key focal point at the entry into the historic Garvin Park, and the flagpole is a dominant feature. Keep Evansville Beautiful held a rededication ceremony at Garvin Park Fountain in May to celebrate the restoration of the fountain, its lights, and stone wall.

“The repainting of the flag pole adds a grace note to the restored Garvin Park Fountain and emphasizes how much the community treasures this beautiful park,” said Keep Evansville Beautiful President Cheryl Musgrave.


  1. It still needs to be moved back to where Joseph Copello had it, especially since it was constructed with his money to begin with.

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