Lloyd vs. Howell swim meet moved to Thursday at Lorraine Pool
Vandalism has forced city officials to temporarly close Garvin Pool for repairs. The pool is expected to reopen by the end of next week. The swim meet set for Tuesday at Garvin Pool between teams from Lloyd Pool and Howell Pool has been moved to Thursday, June 27, at Lorraine Pool, 2399 Adams Ave. The meet will still begin at 5:30 p.m., with warmups at 5 p.m.
Garvin Pool was vandalized sometime Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. When Evansville Parks Department employees arrived at work they discovered a picnic table, chairs, sand buckets with cigarette butts and other debris in the pool. Vandals also damaged showers in the men’s locker room and a vending machine.
“Our city’s parks are a tremendous asset to our quality of life, and actions such as the vandalism at Garvin Pool, are extremely disappointing†said Mayor Lloyd Winnecke. “It is regrettable that the actions of a few will cost the city financially and will prevent hundreds of citizens from using the pool during the prime swimming season. As a community, we need to show greater respect for our parks and the citizens who visit them on a daily basis.â€
Denise Johnson, executive director of the Evansille Department of Parks and Recreation, said lifeguards worked for several hours to remove the debris and later discovered a tear in the pool lining. She contacted representatives with Natare Corporation, the company that installed the pool liner last year, for advice on repairs.
“Natare recommended draining the water out of the pool to prevent further damage. They will have a representative in Evansville on Monday to begin repair work,†Johnson said. The cost of repairs is currently unknown and will not be covered by insurance.
Mayor Winnecke has asked the Evansville Police Department to increase patrols around Gaivn Park and the pool during 2nd and 3rd shifts. Johnson said the security company that secures restrooms at city parks will make extra patrols past Garvin Pool overnight to watch for suspicious behavior.
Sixty five years ago I spent a lot of time at Garvin Pool and then then East Side pool. I would either walk to Garvin or ride my bicycle to East pool (now part of the athletic complex at UofE.
It is sad to see that selfish goons vandalized Garvin.
I would encourage the VC Prosecutor to pursue legal redress against whomever is responsible. Yes, I would even go to the extent to hauling the parents in and try to make them financially responsible for the monetary damages.
I have had many wonderful days at Garvin. It is too bad that a few thugs caused this pool to be closed, if even for a few days.
In the meanwhile, all citizens and taxpayers in Evansville should help our LEO track down and prosecute those responsible. Closing Garvin will just put many, many of our youth on the streets. Let us just hope than they have better sense. They, too, should be incensed at this vandalism and help track down the thugs.
Pogo, I agree it’s a sad day and a pitiful situation.
Garvin Pool is a wonderful resource and essential recreational facility for those kids who are within walking or bicycling distance.
I don’t give one rat’s patooty what excuses or liberal machinations are offered for the defense of the hoodlums who are responsible and hopefully caught. They deserve the maximum penalty considering the expense to the parks department and the denial of the use of that pool by our neighborhood children.
What the hell does this have to do with liberals? Get a XXX damn life.
Try the decaf tomorrow morning. And take the cocklebur out from between your butt cheeks.
Singapore has a working solution for punks like this. A televised ass whipping with a cane will stop this kind of behavior in its tracks.
I guess my 10 year old is done reading the CCO , at least the c&p knows the difference in good language vs bad , and johns and brads choice of words isn’t helping me raise good kids
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