Gallup/Rasmussen Average Presidential Poll for August 15, 2012


The two tracking polls with the best results for predicting presidential contests now have three days of data after the selection of Paul Ryan as the running mate for Mitt Romney in their calculation and and both polls are indicating that the Romney/Ryan ticket is opening a lead on Obama/Biden nationally. The Rasmussen Tracking poll today shows Romney with a 47% – 43% lead over President Obama while Gallup’s Tracking poll shows Romney maintaining a lead of 47% – 45%.

The average of these two polls is now showing the Romney/Ryan campaign with 47% and the Obama/Biden at 44.0%.

The average approval rate for President Obama is now negative 4.5% meaning that 4.5% more of those polled disapprove of the Presidents job performance than approve of it. The average approval rating for the President was 46.0% and the average disapproval was 50.5%.

Electoral college polls all still show President Obama with a lead over Romney on the basis of having strong leads in the big city dominated states of California, New York, and Illinois. The current safe electoral counts for President Obama and Mitt Romney are 201 and 181 respectively with 156 electors considered to be either toss ups or within the margin of error.


  1. “Electoral college polls all still show President Obama with a lead over Romney on the basis of having strong leads in the big city dominated states of California, New York, and Illinois.”

    Yes we know all about how the game is played in Illinois, New York, and California:


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