Gail Riecken responds to Appeals Lawsuit


gail rieckenUnited States 7th Circuit Court Judge Richard Posner said Evansville police made too many mistakes to reasonably qualify for immunity from liability in the federal lawsuit regarding flash bang use on the wrong Evansville home.  “I don’t think mistakes were made by rank and file officers.  I think the city’s leadership failed,” said Gail Riecken.

Mayor Winnecke stated the following when he ran for office:

Leadership of a quality police and fire department starts with the Mayor. Our administration will promote a culture of excellence that is founded on integrity and discipline.

The police and fire chief will report directly to the Mayor’s office, creating an open, unfiltered flow of information. This direct line of communication will include frequent briefings from both chiefs relating to issues involving community safety.

The Mayor must have total confidence in the police and fire chief. We will reassess the leadership of both departments and make the changes needed to ensure accountability and the highest standard of services and performance.

“It appears the culture of excellence and discipline that is to be promoted by our administration is missing,” said Riecken after reading the judges comments.  Riecken continued, “again, I think the rank and file executed a warrant and adhered to orders they were duty bound to follow.  However, the Mayor and his appointed leadership did not live up to the standards the Mayor promised us.”

Gail Riecken looks forward to providing leadership as Mayor and working to enhance the trust and better communication between law enforcement and the local community.

Gail Riecken is running for Mayor of Evansville and is a former Evansville City Council-woman, Evansville Parks Director, and a current member of the Indiana State House of Representatives.  She is a lifelong Evansville resident, has been married for 46 years, and has 2 children and 3 grandchildren.


  1. Winnecke refuses to take any blame for anything. His bad appointments and decisions not only define him, they own him. In a fairer world it would be enough to oust him by a simple show of hands this November. We shall see.

    We were better off when he was just a common conman’s mark. The damage he did by his giveaways to them pale in comparison to the hit he has brought down on Evansville’s reputation.

    After reading the latest opinion and listening to the oral arguments I’d say the 7th Circuit grows weary of him sending his illegalities up to Chicago, hoping they stamp them apporoved.

    • You’re voting for Winnecke because he’s a Republican. We get it. Enough already.

    • Well IE, lets give her the chance,– we already know what song Winnecke’s going to sing.
      With your relentless sour outlook,– even before the fact of her Election as Mayor,- I’m seriously beginning to think you are hoping for a spot on his dance card.

    • Hire a qualified and competent police chief.

      Billy Bolin apparently does not have the ability, knowledge or skill to successfully serve as police chief.

      The 7the Circuit Court likening EPD to the Keystone Cops is an embarrassment. Bolin should summarily tender his resignation forthwith.

  2. . IS IT TRUE that our darling At-Large City Councilman Jonathan Weaver has surpassed the record? What record??? It seems, Mr. Weaver has within the first three and one half years being a member of the Evansville Council has completed his second divorce. His second divorce was recently filed and granted in Warrick County. Why Warrick County? Doesn’t Weaver the At-large City Councilman live in Evansville? This illustrates Jonathan Weavers true colors? Why did he file in secret, one county over? Was it an attempt to hide his divorce from the voters that he’s a two time loser. Mr.Weaver has the Gaul to criticize Brinkerhoff-Riley regarding her personal shortcomings. What a complete two face A-hole our At-Large City Councilman is!

    • It’s unfortunately not that odd that the 2 practicing drunks, Weaver and Mosby, are all about criticizing SBR for admitting that she is an alcoholic. If they weren’t so mean, I’d feel sorry for them.
      Mosby never wanted anything but to have a husband and kids. Instead, she’s 48 years, posts the bottle of wine she’s about to consume every night on Facebook and lives with 6 dogs.
      Weaver only ever wanted to have money. Instead, he is drunk every night at a local bar, is widely regarding as a buffoon, and is a little, balding man who’s passed 40 and lives in one half of a broken down duplex. It’s crazy sad how smart people get ran out of politics and complete fools are cherished by the masses. It’s true that we get the elected officials we deserve.

  3. This is the most reasonable thread I have seen on CCO in a very long time. Gail has a record of voluntarily holding herself accountable to her constituency, even when it was a great burden to her and her family. Winnie has a record of avoiding any accountability to his constituency, starting with his attempt to make off with the Homestead exemptions in his days on the County Commission. He has followed that with sneaking cash to Haney and Co., played games with the shrinking hotel, let ERC run amok, and appointed incompetent and/or obnoxious people in public service positions, and too many others to name here.

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