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BREAKING NEWS: Gail Riecken Calls Press Conference Regarding Winnecke’s Cover Up Of Jack Schriber’s Admitted Sexual Misconduct


Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken will hold a press conference to release a statement on Mayor Winnecke’s cover up of Jack Schriber’s sexual misconduct and why he didn’t respond sooner.

WHO: Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken

WHERE: 401 SE 6th Street, Suite 200 Evansville

WHEN: October 24, 2015, 2:00 P.M.


  1. Oh Oh Winky knew but the people do not care; look at Russ Lloyd with his hands in his pockets all the time. Bet he has no gun in there if you get my drift. Evansville has alot of CREEPY people in the political scene down here.

  2. The Feds need to investigate Evansville / vanderburgh county politicians for the last 10 yrs , or at least the last 2 mayors and numerous city council members

  3. Ok people, I’m not a fan of the current Mayor but this yellow journalism has got to stop. You need to arise above the muck that you’re posting. Unless Reicken has some “smoking gun” evidence that Winnecke was involved in a cover-up of Schriber’s actions, and you have access to what she is presenting at her press conference, you need to change your headline to “Winnecke’s Alleged Cover-up”.
    And it’s “cover-up”, not “cover up”, sheesh, your malapropism’s are becoming more embarrassing every day. Can you at least hire an intern to proof what you write before you post it?

    • A malaproprism is the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect. This would be at worst a misspelled word. But it’s not. Acceptable usage is “cover up” or “cover-up.” I would agree that “cover-up” is preferred, but hyphens are tricky beasts. A quick search of the term will reveal both usages in headlines for major publications, and both are outlined in the dictionary.

      • Yes. For instance, the Associated Press Style Manual prefers the hyphen while the New York Times Stylebook doesn’t address the issue specifically but makes clear its distast-e for unnecessary hyphens, defaulting to ‘the rule of common sense should prevail at all times’.

    • It’s pretty clear that Winnecke is a liar. He’s proven it over and over. It started back in the days when he conspired with Marsha Abel to take away the Homestead Tax Credit. He allowed the public to believe we were getting a nice hotel and apartments for our money and then let it be “value engineered” to a roadside hotel without apartments for the same investment and tries to convince us that he is doing a great job. He says crime is down, even though the official stats show it has risen here by 28%. Now there is evidence that he tried to keep the public from knowing that his life-long friend and mentor has admitted to being a sexual predator. I don’t think that is “yellow journalism”. It is responsible journalism, which is something that is in short supply in this town.

      • ‘It’s pretty clear that Winnecke is a liar. ‘

        Yes, it would be difficult to make a case otherwise. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a long time but he wasted no time destroying his credibility.

        His scrambling efforts at distancing himself from his longtime friend, mentor, road partner, teacher and ticketmate are unpersuasive. The tap dancing Bojangles and Schriber are joined, both now and forevermore, hips/lips/and fingertips. Figuratively speaking of course. They had such great plans for spending your money.

        I hope no other child suffered due to our accidental mayor’s silence. He went mute for political gain, giving no real thought to the possible harm his zeal for an unearned 2nd term could cause.

      • Hey where’s your “proof” that The Mayor has had a longtime friendship with Jackophile Schreiber? I am just an interested citizen and one who has a Hawk like protectiveness for Children. I hate child predators! One thing they are Very Good at is hiding their behavior. Jack has had no charges ever pressed against him that I have read of. So its likely those who knew him, if that is the case for The Mayor, to know nothing about his dark secret!
        I think it is ridiculous to believe a Seated Mayor from any party would endorse a known child predator. That’s kinda a political quagmire don’t you think? An end to ones future political aspirations? Yes! So now we have Dem running mate Reicken making this desperate and very public accusations of the Mayor all in hopes of winning a seat she is will never win. I find the local and split democrat party pathetic!
        Lastly, I think Jack needs to be locked up he’s a sick sick man!

    • There is a clear smoking gun. The Mayor made a prepared statement that was done by hiscampaign staff. He approved it and delivered it. The next day, he decided he had to add to his original statement, and added the claim that he had no knowledge of Schriber’s confession. An honest and transparent statement would not have needed to be added to the next day.

  4. What about the constantly lying about the General Fund balance for his entire administration? They are overstating it by two million dollars every time that they report it. The cause of this chaos, Jenny Collins is in a newly created 90k a year job created by Winnie the Poop. Hope that Mayor Riecken gives her the boot as well as the lying Rumplebeancounter

  5. Do any of you all actually believe that it took our EPD and/or our Prosecutor 3 months (July – Oct) to determine we missed the statute of limitations by what, about 30 + years?????? Because I sure don’t. Or I hope not anyways.. I honestly believe “something else” was going on here… Think about it…

    • You are right, at least about Nick Hermann. I’m not sure Billy Bolin is capable of reasoning that out.

    • I believe it. They work slow. Consequence of being paid by the hour. Have you not heard of the backlog. This was probably fast tracked. Work expands to fill the time allowed.

  6. In the words of Hillary Clinton and her sycophant supporters inside and outside the media: It’s old news. Nothing new here.

    • ACTUALLY, Commonsense….it goes like this:
      “This is the GOP’s EIGHTH Benghazi hearing.
      The GOP has this Benghazi ground EIGHT TIMES.
      I took any and all questions,
      There is nothing to add.
      The issue has been addressed.

      And what is next? The FBI clears Hillary of perhaps not following the rules established after her service as Sec of State, but otherwise, there is nothing here.

  7. It was a sex crime investigation. The mayor could not speak on it due to the VICTIM’S rights. The VICTIM is who the investigation protects. Had Mr Schreiber NOT written the apology letter this investigation would be over.

    Does EPD or any police organizations release information to the public about a sex crime investigation?? Especially when no charges are filed? Is that a freedom of information request?

    Mrs Reicken is a State Representative and she knows that law very well.

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