Fred Cooks Candidacy for 4th Ward Challenged


Fred Cook

Anthony Bushrod Challenges Fred Cook’s Eligibility to Run for Office

In a surprise move, the man who has been called “The Mayor of Goosetown” is having his eligibility to run for Evansville City Council to represent the 4th Ward challenged on the grounds that the word expungement does not appear in Indiana Code regarding eligibility for office.

Mr. Cook as has been previously reported did commit a crime in his youth for which he did his time. Mr. Cook now over 60 years old had preemptively done everything required to make himself eligible to run for office as was supported by Vigo County Officials last year.

Link to reference of his eligibility:

Link to the law with highlighted applicable code:

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  1. As Fred was convicted while a juvenile shouldn’t his record have been expunged? Wouldn’t that result in a clean record and Mr. Cook would be in good standing to run for office? I believe if the conviction stands, Fred can still be a US Congressperson or US Senator, but it seems he has improved his life and no longer associates with criminals.

    • The links in the article support your words. His offense was at the age of 17 and has been expunged.

  2. Connie should be worried, Fred is an honest hard working man who puts the community ahead of himself and Connie is a self serving politician who has helped herself, her family and a few others become rich from her position on the council. Good Luck Fred.

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