FOP Endorses Opposition to Unification: Deals Serious Blow to YES Efforts


The FOP of Evansville has voted to endorse CORE in opposing unification of City and County governments.

This is a developing story.


  1. Oh man, this is pretty shocking. Who knew that a group which has opposed this for years, and even hosts CORE meetings, would oppose it? This is going to be a bomb shell to everyone involved and really crush the YES group. Thanks for telling me how to think, CCO. Now I know the YES effort is wounded by the “serious blow”.

    In all seriousness, the “the Mayor and his 15 Member Council”? I suppose the council doesn’t think for itself? What a joke.

    And how about the fact that it DOESN’T combine police and sheriff and that they’ll continue just as they always have? The point about the pitfalls of combined law enforcement is completely IRRELEVANT.

    • I disagree that this is “IRRELEVANT” it says a whole LOT! They did their Homework like a bunch of us have and not gotten on the bandwagon to support this haphazzardly like it seems some have. This Plan for Consolidation is a Poor one. If it were better put together many would consider it. Take the fact that there will be “appointees” and not elected persons seated whom will be “your voice” and you cant even vote them out because they are only responsible to the person whom hired them. I don’t want an appointee representing me, I want someone whom I can VOTE OUT if they don’t do the job I elected them for. GREAT Job FOP! Glad your on the NO wagon with me!

        • Not hard to figure out…..the cops like the rest of us are tax payers here in the city and county, they have a right to a voice and opinion about how they are governed and how their tax dollars are spent same as the rest of us….you wouldn’t want to deny them that right just because they are cops, work for the city or because represented by a national union would you?


        • The Fop has 1400 members, only about 400 are deputys and city police. The rest are retired, or state police, or Federal Marshals. They have investigated the consollidations in other cities. The same as a union, group of church members, or people who share the same life circumstances, they make up their minds as how to address a choice and how it will affect them. The fact that local law enforcement is off the table for 10 years has nothing to do with their endorsement. They have decided that this not a good future path for their community.

    • The council can give and the council can take it away. Question: Would this vote make it Law? No Would the transition team make it law? No
      So, the new common council could ignore the 10 year part and combine Law enforcement and make it law. Correct me if this is not right.

    • What a ridiculous criticism. The CCO merely reports a newsworthy event like a union vote to endorse CORE (something that has just happened) and you slag them for it?

      There is no reason to reorganize if you’re not changing any of the things wrong with current government in the process, not taking the opportunity to produce real savings (Mayor salary practically doubling), not taking the opportunity to institute term limits, spreading the sewer liabilities of the City of Evansville across County residents… The lists really goes on from there. If you want to debate the pros and cons, I’m your Huckleberry, or any number of others, but no need to slag on CCO for just reporting something that is, in fact, news.

  2. City and County employees working at the Civic Center are extremely happy about the FOP endorsement against the re-organization of City-County governments.

    They are extremely tired of Sheriff Eric Williams political power plays and Mayor Lloyd Winnenke’s bad business decisions. Need I have to say that Marsha Abell and Joe Kiefer also have political egg on their faces!

    Oh yes let’s not forget that the League of Women Voters and their political advisor, Josh Clayborn also got egged by the FOP!

  3. FOP Lodge #73 one (1) and The Mayor, Abell, Kiefer, Chamber, The League of Women Voters and Sheriff Eric Williams Zero!(0)!

  4. This reminds me of that time the CCO made a massive deal out of the EFD Union and Andrew Smith endorsing Rick Davis. It was completely worthless and not news. Same thing here.

    • Did you read the article? Remember this :
      The F.O.P plans to present informational meetings to residents throughout Vanderburgh County in the upcoming weeks to educate the voting public about the shortcomings of the plan. The F.O.P will work to defeat the question on the fall ballot.
      Correct, this is a big deal.

  5. Now the whole world knows what Sheriff Williams counter parts (FOP) think about him and his back room political deals with the pretty people!

    Chuck Knoll for Mayor!

    Hopefully this is a strong signal that this is the beginning of the end of the political career of Eric Williams!

  6. Did everyone see the response from the “Yes For Unification Group” to the FOP – where it stated: “Sheriff Eric Williams, the community’s top law enforcement officer”???? Who gave him that title? I had to laugh when I read that!


    • When he messed with the voulenteer workers at the fair ” I know how you country boys opperate”. He sealed his fate, country boys hold a grudge…. for a long time. Bet on the country boys, they play dirty.

  7. The best way to insure I do not vote yes….is to keep the politicians in favor of the YES for Unification.

    The same names have continued to use this city to pad their pockets… it salary or benefits.

    Their payback will come some day… least for raping this cities’ honest taxpayers of their hard earned money.

  8. Eric Williams was at the big Demo Dinner tonight introducing guests.

    Buttons that stated “I’m against United Gov” for Vanderburgh County was handed out to guests at this event. Surprized-surprized- the marjority of the people attending this event took those buttoms and proudly displayed them om there persons.

    Oh, County Commissioner Steve Melcher, State Rep. Gail Riecken from District 77 and County Treasurer Rick Davis all displayed the buttons against “United Gov. for Vanderburgh County” on themselves.

    Looks like the next political gathering you will see Eric Williams at will be at the election night party watching the votes coming in against “Vandy Gov,”!

  9. Eric Williams is a big disappointment.

    This is what happens to a common man when he starts running with the rich and famous!

    One thing for certain is that Williams once solid support in the rural area is completely gone!

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