Fifth Third Bancorp Plans To Raise Minimum Wage


Fifth Third Bancorp Plans To Raise Minimum Wage

 Employees at Fifth Third Bancorp may see an increase in their wages. In light of the newly passed tax legislation, Fifth Third Bancorp announced its plans to raise the minimum hourly wage for all employees to $15.

There will also be a one-time bonus of $1,000 for more than 13,500 employees. Around 75% of employees will get a pay increase or bonus.

The bank’s President and CEO, Greg Carmichael, says the new tax bill includes a reduction in corporate tax rates designed to help economic growth. He said the company decided to share some of those benefits with the employees.

Once the bill is signed into law, nearly 3,000 employees will see their pay increase to $15 per hour.

The one-time $1,000 bonus is expected to be handed out by the end of the year, assuming the bill is signed before Christmas.

Senior managers and executive leadership are excluded from this compensation.

There are Fifth Third Bank locations in Evansville and Newburgh, Indiana and Henderson, Kentucky.

Britney Taylor

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  1. Great news for all Fifth Third employees. It should be noted that every single Democrat in the United States congress voted AGAINST the bill making this possible.

    • Yes they did – why? Because these goodies arent paid for. Its nearly $2 trillion under water Thats why! Conservatives my eye. they do it every time they get in power. Reagan did and Winnecke is doing it. Then, a Dem gets elected and spends the whole term trying make ends meet. There are no feree rides here people. this is money borrowed eventuall y from China.

      • Nothing like a little humor to cheer us up for the Christmas season, Mack. “Dems get elected and spend the whole term trying to make ends meet.” That’s as funny as it gets! (I do agree about Winnecke, though)
        Please remind us of your objections to MASSIVE debt run up by Barack H. Obama.

        • Did Barack H. Obama have the Constitutional right to raise the debt that much Dann?

          Of course not. Now for the last time because you are definitely a failure to communicate, Congress does. And Congress has been held by your lackies since 2010. You’ve also had total power for a year, (something our Founding Fathers set us up to keep from happening), because of people like you.

          My only question is, when are you going to admit you are a liberal and I am a conservative because if you want to play that game, you need to vote like it.

          Remember, “Surpluses as far as the eye can see?”

          WTF happened to them Guru?

          Answer: DannCoulter’s vote.

          And you can take that to al sharpie’s bank and they will cash it.


  2. The national debt in 2008 was 9 trillion . In 2016 the debt was 20 trillion. Who was the President those 8 years? I don’t think the Dems and media want you to know this.

  3. The Trump effect. But, it rewards people that work. The Demos all voted against that tax decrease as they seek to reward people that don’t work.

  4. By the way, has the McCurdy paid their $750,000 water/sewer bill? Pretty sure the Water Dep’t would shut off my water if I didn’t pay my bill.

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