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  1. Yesterday I was washing my truck in shorts and a t-shirt, today I’m carrying an armload of firewood into the house wearing sweats and a jacket. I wish this climate change would make up it’s mind.

  2. Battling against FAKE news outlets:


    They liked it so much better when all they had to contend with was National Review under William F. Buckley, and Rush Limbaugh on the radio. Now that conservatives all over the Country are speaking up about the fake news the liberals have been spewing for decades, the liberal whining is off the scale. The liberals thought they owned the Country. Last November they found out they were WRONG!

    • BZZZZZZ!!! Wrong again (and as usual)

      “A Buzzfeed analysis found that three main conservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading liberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information”


      • I don’t need a WaPo article to make up my mind about what I witnessed, FIRST HAND, ever since Donald Trump announced that he was running for president. The MSM tried to take him down with fake news, and they are still at it.

        At the same time the MSM were trying to prop up Hillary Clinton, WITH FAKE NEWS, in her run for president.

        Nowadays she is forced to cop a plea deal to keep her sorry butt out of prison on pay to play charges uncured during her tenure as SOS.

    • Psychologist John Jost of New York University is one of the pioneering researchers in this realm. In a forthcoming book chapter, Jost and some colleagues analyze decades of research on political psychology and find that a number of personality traits are strongly correlated with conservatism. One in particular — a so-called “need for cognition” — speaks to why fake news creators have found a receptive audience among conservatives.

      “Need for cognition” is measured by assessing people’s agreement with statements like, “I find satisfaction in deliberating hard and for long hours” or “thinking is not my idea of fun.” A measurement of people’s affinity for critical thinking, in short.

      Jost reviewed 40 studies on differences in this need for cognition between liberals and conservatives. Of those, 25 showed a “significant, negative” association between need for cognition and right-wing orientation. In all but three of the others, there was a similar negative association but it wasn’t statistically significant.

      In other words, liberals were slightly more predisposed to think critically than conservatives. As Stefan Pfattheicher of Ulm University put it in an email to me, conservatives “are less reflective in information processing, especially when information is consistent with [their] own worldviews.”

    • Oh, the grating president who is too gutless to go to the Correspondents dinner because somebody might make fun of Cheeto Hitler?

  3. The msm of today has became the out of date 8 track tape………………..President Trump Law $ Order 2017 And Beyond……………

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