EVSC’s Culinary Arts Program Named to Hospitality 100



EVSCFor the second year, the Culinary Arts program at the EVSC’s Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center has been named to the Hospitality 100 – an annual list of the best secondary school culinary programs in the United States. The list, which is compiled by a team from the National Center for Hospitality Studies at Sullivan University in Louisville, Ky., is comprised of high schools and tech centers that excel in the areas of Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry Arts and/or Hospitality Management


As part of the process, the team conducts research to establish schools with strong hospitality enrollment and influence in their community. The committee also looks for programs that are members of organizations such as SkillsUSA, Pro Start and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). In addition, the team visits schools that they deem to have strong hospitality studies programs to get a first-hand look.


“The designation confirms what students in these programs are learning at the high school level is rigorous and relevant to what they would be learning in college,” said Ed Ellis, lead chef and advisor for the culinary arts program.  “It also gives credibility to our program, and more importantly, to our students.”


The Culinary Arts program at the Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center currently offers students the ability to earn 14 dual credits from Vincennes University; additionally the students qualify for the Jump Start Program at Sullivan University and can take early entrance exams for Johnson Wales University. These options allow students to complete their degrees in half the time and at a lower cost than traditional students.