EVPL Offers “Phantom Finder” Kit


December 20, 2011 – Evansville, IN – Want to save money on energy bills? Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library cardholders can check out a Phantom Finder kit today from the EVPL, and see how much energy appliances and electronics are consuming while not in use.

The Phantom Finder kit includes a kill-a-watt meter that can estimate the electrical consumption and cost associated with “phantom loads,” or the amount of electricity that is being drained by items when they are turned off or in standby modes.

The kill-a-watt meter simply plugs into an electrical outlet and allows the user to plug in any appliance to see how much electricity the appliance uses, and then calculate how much money it’s costing. These energy detectors are a great way to see how much it costs to leave items plugged in after use, such as leaving a phone charger plugged in after completing a charge.

Visit the Check Out Desk at any EVPL location, and you’ll be on your way to detecting energy waste, saving money, and helping the environment.

The Phantom Finder program is sponsored by Vectren Corporation, the Indiana State Library, and the EVPL.


  1. I have visited libraries in Indianapolis, Atlanta, Louisville, New York City, and even over seas in London, Paris and Barcelona. As objective as I can be, it is my opinion that Evansville has the best library of any I have been to. We have the best collection, the best facilities and the best system in general than any others. If you live within Vanderburgh County and you are not using our library regularly you are not taking advantage of a life-enhancing tool. I have not yet tried the Phantom Finder kit but I certainly will. Thanks for letting us know about this.

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