Evansville Talks Possible Gun Resolution

It hasn’t been introduced just yet, but Evansville city councilman Dr. Dan Adams plans to introduce a resolution he says will deal with guns and school safety.

The resolution is modeled after a gun control measure in South Bend, IN that keeps guns out of the hands of violent criminals, domestic abusers and those who are severely mentally ill.

The resolution in South Bend closes the background check system loophole.

Evansville’s city attorney says it’s going to take some time to look over what other cities have done to make sure they stay within the lines of what’s legal.

“All of those situations are kind of mute,” says Joshua Clayborn.

“This not being under consideration number one, because there is no resolution that has been introduced yet to the extent Dr. Adams is introducing something, we are going to make sure its legal. I am not entirely familiar with what every other community has done so I can’t speak to what they are doing right or wrong, but at least here we will definitely be following the law.”

More than a dozen members of the community spoke out on both sides of the issues at Monday’s council meeting.

Amanda Porter

Reporter and Anchor for 44News

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  1. All the people you propose keeping guns away from already have them. Another colossal waste of time.

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