Evansville City Councilman Justin Elpers Filed For Re-Election


On Friday, January 11th, Evansville City Councilman Justin Elpers filed for re-election for the 5th Ward.

He filed for re-election with his family by his side.  Mr. Elpers said; “It’s been a privilege serving the citizens of Evansville”.  “I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support.”

Councilman Elpers says his message will remain the same, “Leadership over Politics”.  “I put the taxpayers first.  That entails cutting wasteful spending, not raising taxes, & creating an environment where people want to do business in Evansville.”


  1. Cheers to cutting wasteful spending . . .my dear Justin, during the last budget cycle, would it be fair to say the people of the 5th Ward heard only cricketts . . . the only member of the council to vote against the Mayor’s bloated budget was Councilman Weaver . . .ironic to say the Finance Budget Chairman . . .apparently who’s opinion was not considered since the vote was 8 ayes and 1 nay . . .as one of your constituents, I had high hopes that you would be a fiscal conservative and from time to time, you seemed to step forward, but, like most politicians, pressure from the top dogs prevailed . . .knowing your father in law, Tom Shelter, Mr. Conservative . . .surely, some counsel must have occurred?

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