
Published Without Bias or Editing by the City County Observer

When I took over as Chairman several years ago for my second stint, one of the first things that Former Chairman Larry Aiken said to me was to get rid of the Central Committee (CC) booth. We just didn’t need two separate booths at the Fall Festival, particularly because this booth had failed to make any negligible profit.

During the summer, I was approached by Rick Davis and asked to sub-contract our booth out to the JFK Club. This organization has no legal association and is not a part of or a division of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party. This is an entirely separate and distinct organization with their own by-laws, officers, etc. I agreed to let them run the booth. Late last week, I was advised by one of our Democratic Officeholders that this arrangement was prohibited. Upon further review, I was advised that we had violated Rule 13 of the Nut Club and were not allowed to sub-contract this booth. I was told that other organizations were on a waiting list and the booth should be withdrawn, although they indicated it would be my decision at this point what to do.

I decided to withdraw the second booth. We still have another booth near St. Joe Ave., where we sell the best gyros you’ll ever find. All of our candidates are working out of this booth, helping at the booth and will benefit financially from the profits derived from this booth. Because we are concentrating our efforts on the remaining booth, we are looking forward to a banner year. Incidentally, profits from these booths have never been donated to any charities. The purpose of these booths are to raise funds for democrats and all funds have gone for that purpose. We expect to be a part of the Fall Festival for many years to come.

In regards to Rick’s candidacy, I asked Rick to wait until after this election before he made any announcement about the election next year. We have some very competitive races this year and all of our energies should be directed to this election. We have great candidates and we are confident that we will be successful this election. Rick chose to pursue his “unofficial announcement” which is his right. I just preferred that we wait until after November 2nd.
The West Side Fall Festival is a great community event. We are doing all that we can to support this event and suggest that your readers visit our Democratic Booth on the south side of the street, just off St. Joe. They’ll find the best gyros in town and the best candidates for public office and volunteers serving them,


  1. So, the booths down there are NOT all for charity then…

    Question: Are the Democrat fall festival booth profits funding Mr. Tom Barnett in any way, too?

  2. Is it somewhat ironic how we were just being told how this is the people’s seat, and how this isn’t a kingship…

    Yet they offer us an ancient Greek mystery meat, in pita.

  3. Mr. Owen, would you please name the eagle eyed Democratic Officeholder that advised you of this prohibited arrangement so that I can be sure to vote for them? Also, have you sold the booth?

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