Elpers Statement On Drag Story Time At EVP Library Ignites Controversy


Elpers Statement On Drag Story Time At EVP Library Ignites Controversy

Evansville’s Fifth Ward City Councilman Justin Elpers is receiving lots of backlash about a statement he released in regards to allowing drag queens the opportunity to read to children at The Vanderburgh County Library next year.


A comment posted by Councilman Elper’s on his Facebook Page reads:

” This is reprehensible. E-V-P-L North Park is sponsoring an event where men dressed up as women will be reading to young children. The target age is up to 11 years old. As an educator & parent, I’m in shock.” Councilman Elpers said that once the Tri-State Alliance released his statement he received lots of hate for his comment. More than 400 people took to Facebook and left comments about what Elpers said–some even referring to him as a bigot.

” My whole view is that these are young children and they are being exposed to a drag king or queen and you know they can’t think abstractly until the age of twelve.” Elpers believes there are other ways to teach children about diversity and inclusion. He wants the community to approach the situation and his comment with that in mind.


  1. I agree with Councilman Elpers. These children are too young for this experience.

  2. I agree with Mr. Elpers , i don’t pay taxes so they can promote their classic fairytales

  3. Oh no, reading a book and teaching our kids to love and not kill people just because of the way someone is dressed, how horrible

    They also had an event where a man dressed as a fictional character (who bribes kids to be good in order to earn presents) read stories to youngsters. They even sat on this strange man’s lap for pictures! What are they thinking!

    What’s truly reprehensible here is a local elected official promoting what appears to be a discriminatory agenda against a peaceful and law-abiding group of people doing something good for our community

    These kids probably won’t even know or even care what the storytellers’ gender is. “E is for Everyone” is supposed to make Evansville inclusive to all, and Justin should grow up and defend an innocent group that is discriminated against who is simply trying to do something good for the community

    If you don’t like it, don’t take your children. The world is full of differences. Being different is not a bad thing and it shouldn’t be portrayed as anything other than someone taking their time out of their day to read and make a difference. We need more kindness in our world

    • Let’s be honest, are doing this specifically for the controversy. Now you may think that controversy is “good for the community”, but using kids who have no comprehension or say on the political issues this is attempting to address is intellectually dishonest and unfair to the kids. If these men (drag queens) want to truly do some good for the community, how about raise awareness on the frightening suicide rates among the trans community, even after they complete the gender reassignment procedure? Guess we don’t want to talk about that and what it might suggest do we?

      Now, if this event is conducted without the use of taxpayer dollars, then the public doesn’t have much to say about it. But unless you’re prepared to allow EVERY sexually or politically oriented group to use children as a platform to promote their agendas, you might want to think long and hard about what issues might arise from this ploy to promote diverse or any other sexuality to children.

      • Caving to pressure from hate groups does nothing but silence those most in need of a voice, those we often don’t notice until it’s too late. Currently, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among youth ages 10-24, and LGBTQ+ youth are up to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide

        Sexuality is not the same as gender identity. In fact, it is inherently healthy to teach children that “gender” is largely based on an individual’s adherence to societal norms of dress and behavior. Those who don’t fit into the norm are different, sure, but children should be taught that difference is not something to fear or evaluate negatively

        Children cannot be “taught” to be LGBTQ. If anything, older children self-identify as part of the community because they are struggling to understand their own feelings and how they fit in. Telling them they simply don’t fit in and encouraging them to hide who they are (whether intentionally or not) is so much more harmful than what detractors claim this event will promote. Imagine being a child who hates themselves because they don’t feel or talk or walk the way they are “supposed to”

        Our society is already overtly sexual, in an often confusing and aggressive way, and children are not spared. Look at the children’s clothing section in Old Navy. Children are constantly being bombarded with sexualized imagery, and community members are worried about a story hour at the library? Give me a break

        Gender has nothing to do with “values.” It has to do with an individual’s free expression of themselves. No one should have the authority to decide how others must perform their identities. This event (and others like it) is not an attempt to “shove a progressive agenda” in anyone’s face; instead, it is an attempt to celebrate difference in a beautifully diverse world. It is an attempt to teach children that love is more important than anything, and that love for one’s self is necessary to be healthy and happy. These are the values that will be on display

        Manhood or masculinity has nothing to do with the way one dresses. In fact, it is our society’s unhealthy view of masculinity that leads young men to assault incapacitated young women behind dumpsters on college campuses. Men who are threatened by this event should try to understand where their fear comes from, and why they feel such an overwhelming need to exert control over others

        This community should absolutely sponsor programs such as this. The worst thing that will come of this is that kids will have someone pay attention to them for a little while instead of sitting them in front of a TV.

        Who knows? Maybe because of such efforts there will be a child who walks across a stage at graduation instead of eating a bottle of pills before they are even out of high school.

        • At least you are honest about it being about an agenda of indoctrination. Can’t say I agree with the concept that since our children are already being exposed to adult issues at way too early an age that a little more won’t hurt. But hey, the ends justify the means right?

  4. Mr. Elpers is spot on and should get an award for speaking out. This is complete and total nonsense sponsored by an entity paid by your tax dollars. It is an outrage. If there was an actual demand for fairy tale drag queen reading hours for 10 year olds, this would be done in homes or private businesses.

  5. As a public space, it is crucial that a library be free to host programming that may not appeal to all citizens, but that fosters open discussion and encourages discovery. The beliefs of one individual, or group of individuals, cannot be allowed to undermine the rights of all members of the community to access programming in a public space.

    Permission to use a library meeting room does not constitute library endorsement of any group’s policies, objectives, goals or beliefs. If a library is forced to exclude one group, then what stops them from excluding all?

    There are critical First Amendment rights of the library to hold such programs, and any attempt to stop those rights chills the very core of our First Amendment

    Providing space for new ideas not only honors the First Amendment of the Constitution and the core values of the United States as a nation of new ideas but also, that it is the best way to grow as a public and as a community. Public space is the best space for free speech

    I once again state: If you don’t like it, don’t take your children. The world is full of differences. Being different is not a bad thing and it shouldn’t be portrayed as anything other than someone taking their time out of their day to read and make a difference. We need more kindness in our world

    • So you’d have no problem with nambla or s&m story hour? The first amendment does not guarantee a state sponsored platform, unless you are willing to allow all viewpoints to be expressed specifically to minor children. This is exploitation of children for political purposes, plain and simple… And the fact that you’re willing to condone it says volumes about your moral character, or lack thereof. Children should not be used as pawns.

    • And it’s also Justin Elpers First Amendment right to express himself too. Just the promotors/supporters of this event and lifestyle don’t think he should be allowed to comment regarding their concept of “normalcy”.

  6. Any event surrounding any sexual preference should not be allowed to be linked to children especially in this proposed age group. The last thing that children should be thinking about or learning about at this age. I am basically unbiased, yet I do not agree with promoting issues using children to facilitate the issue. What if it were Prostitutes Reading to Children at the Library?” Other than gender, what would be the difference? I am having a difficult time articulating what I am trying to say here. These are adult issues and children should be allowed to be children and not be used to facilitate adult situations.

  7. Drag has ZERO to do with sexual preference. And your kids already have whatever “preference” instilled in their DNA by their two loving biological contributors (parents in many cases), so no one need worry about one story hour with a performer changing that. No one is telling anyone to open up their minds and their children’s minds to theatre, or expose them to any of the amazing people who would take the time out of their life to enrich your child’s life. But, I will ask you to please, do a little research (Breitbart and YouTube do not count), talk to a drag queen or someone who knows and loves drag queens( 🙋🏼‍♀️ ), then speak your piece. It seems everyone is missing the boat here, and I have to believe it’s NOT because you are hate filled idiots, but because you are ill informed and yet to seek reliable information on the topic. Stop being that person. That’s what the public library is trying to help you help your kid not to be.

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