2/7/2011 eDebate
Evansville Mayoral Election
![]() | Rick Davis (D) | Lloyd Winnecke (R) | ![]() |
Question #4: “JOBS” seems to be the issue on everybody’s mind. How do you plan on improving the Evansville job market if elected Mayor? |
I come from a working family: Skilled tradesmen on my father’s side of the family, and factory workers and public safety officials on my mom’s side of the family. So when I hear of facilities like Whirlpool leaving town, it hits deep. I will go anywhere at anytime to try and lure high-paying, quality jobs to Evansville. I would like to streamline our economic development initiatives. As Mayor, I will head a committee whose Number 1 job is to lure new jobs to Evansville. The committee will meet regularly and be comprised of business, labor, and community leaders who want to work together to move Evansville forward. Benjamin Franklin once said: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Well, a job saved can also be considered a job earned, too. Therefore, it is in the best interest of Evansville for this committee to help retain as many private sector jobs as possible, and we must work together to come up with mechanisms to help local companies who are struggling to stay afloat or to remain here if they are considering leaving Evansville. I believe we also need to tap into the wonderful talents we have at the collegiate level here in Evansville. We are blessed to have faculty and students at two first-rate four-year universities and we need to involve them in our economic development initiatives as well. | The loss of Evansville jobs, rising unemployment and the lack of confidence in local leadership on economic development has united us in concern about the economic future of our city and of our families. We need to work harder than ever to find new jobs, and as mayor that will be my number one priority. As mayor, I will work to ensure that the “technology transfer†agreement, which exists between the Growth Alliance of Greater Evansville and the Crane Naval Station, remain a top priority. Encouraging entrepreneurs to take advantage of existing military technology and transferring it to the private sector holds great promise for our community. If we want our city to be one of opportunity and pride, we must develop a new way of doing things. Selling Evansville to potential employers will take innovation, and it will take a mayor who understands how to market the city to private sector executives looking to locate jobs here. In the coming months I will unveil a more detailed job creation plan, but it will be geared toward aggressive marketing to outside employers looking to relocate, reducing red tape and promoting free enterprise. We need a mayor who understands what makes the private sector tick and who has the ability to market our community accordingly. |
Some people are easily impressed with a few big words strung together in such a way that they mean nothing.
There was a website error that caused us to lose the comments on this post from yesterday and this morning. I am trying to retrieve them.
I would like to apologize for all who were involved in the discussion yesterday. The ~17 comments from the last 24 hours are gone, and irretrievable. I will be taking measures to assure that this loss of data does not happen again.
No problem, my thoughts are only worth a penny anyway.
Instructed and baptized 22 Chinese people at Easter time. Help them with first Confessions in the past few wezBk.saptieed another 10 people at Pentecost. Still giving instructions to a number of non-Catholic Chinese. Will start my new assignment in July, and will start celebrating Chinese Mass in Coquitlam on July 17.Have been praying for you, Fr. Z, since I read your request for prayers. May God bless you!
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