Earthcare Energy executive Ken Haney who stood before the Evansville City Council on March 26, 2012 has issued a response to Evansville City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley’s article that was published in the CCO. Mr. Haney’s response was distributed to the entire Evansville City Council earlier today.
We make his entire response available to our readers without bias, edit, or opinion on the following link.
Looks like we now know why the City Council unanimously voted to postpone the vote on the ordinance to recind the previous ordinance. Whaddups all around.
All you need to know about Haney is he uses words like “haters” in business correspondence. That should be plenty to discredit anyone.
Don’t hate, appreciate!
“Haters” is the left wing version of a right wings “Birthers”. Both are dumber than a box of rocks Haney included.
All this really does not matter in this case. What matters is the fundamental question of whether a city government should be in the business of making loans to the private sector. One would think not but sadly people who claim the mantle of conservatism often fail the actual test when governing.
Agreed. As pointed out by the CCO yesterday, government gets a big pudgy over green companyies/jobs. They think by investing in these green technologies that they are doing 2 good things at once; bringing jobs and helping the environment. Problem is while these technologies are initially sold as the best thing since buttered bread they don’t pan out in the long-run.
Misrepresentation Law and Legal Definition
Misrepresentation refers to a statement made by a party to a contract that induces another to enter into a contract, which can be interpreted, as false or untrue. The misrepresentation must be both false and fraudulent, in order to make the party making it liable for damages.
Restatement (Second) of Torts § 552 defines a negligent misrepresentation as:
“One who, in the course of his business, profession or employment, or in any transaction in which he has a pecuniary interest, supplies false information for the guidance of others in their business transactions, is subject to liability for pecuniary loss caused to them by their justifiable reliance upon the information, if he fails to exercise reasonable care or competence in obtaining or communicating the information.â€
Throw them damn liars in jail. If the Earthcare boys lied to get approval, jail there butts. If Evansville officials lied to get the Earthcare loan approved toss their butts in the jail cell with them.
Impressive documents prepared by attorney authors.
Three points strike home:
1) Notice that all the information regarding the Langston device was a series of GAGE quotes. No new or enlightening information about the device itself is presented.
2) As stated above, it is not local government’s place to loan money to start-up companies. This is underscored by the fact that this start-up company could not seem to get money elsewhere. If these folks have, as they claim, an opportunity to locate elsewhere with the same deal as they signed with Evansville, then why is Earthcare bringing in Chicago lawyers. Seems like Earthcare would leave where they are not wanted, save some money, and go where they can set up shop with no hassle.
3) If these guys are such big wigs with great backgrounds and experiences why are they in Evansville, Indiana with a small start-up? If they have some money of their own, why not invest their own cash in this venture? One can describe the same basic information in using many different terms and color it many different shades and hues. This is especially true in this document.
This feels wrong and still smells tainted.
Haney stood before us in the City Council meeting and said the South Carolina deal was better than Evansville could ever afford. I for one think he is a liar about that. As you say, if it was so good go get it back Haney. Take them lawyers with you.
i don’t know for sure, but it sounds to this old dem like mr. haney’s legalese filled letter translates into ‘we done spent it’. your move geniuses.
Mr. Haney, your letter serves you well. What you fail to express is that Mr. Washington really was the drunk pilot, Geldmacher really does have a tax lien of over $2 Million, and you have a bunch of dormant companies. You also did not acknowledge that you lied to the City Council about patents, purchase orders, and your license with Langson. Your letter does nothing to prove Stephanie wrong. Repeating lies do not make them true.
Haney did not write this letter, that is abundantly clear. I especially enjoyed the part about Linked-In being the cause of the problem re: resume. Maybe add them as a 3rd party defendant ? Anyway, SBR, I believe more than ever that “you got it right”. Shakespeare in Hamlet: methinks they doth protest too much.
If they had so many great offers on the table from other cities why not go with one of those instead of wasting time with a law suit? Hmmmmm maybe they didn’t have those offers and they were lying? Maybe Winnecke and his merry band of idiots were duped and they can’t admit they were wrong? I’d still like to know who all got or was promised kickbacks on this thing.
I don’t believe in spooks, I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny, I don’t believe in Santa, and I don’t believe Earthcare ever had an offer from South Carolina or anywhere else.
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