EDITORIAL:  EVSC Superintendent Needs To Pay Part-Time Safety Officers A Reasonable Wage 


 EVSC Superintendent Needs To Pay Part-Time Safety Officers A Reasonable Wage 

School safety has become a serious situation that requires law enforcement officers to be embedded in our schools to assure that the students, teachers, and staff are safe from violent actions as they carry out their daily duties.

This is a situation that was not heightened until the turn of the century.  Perhaps the shootings at Columbine High School in Aurora, Colorado were the inflection point where fear found a home in public education.  We are a long way from the days when spit wads on the blackboard, smoking in the boy’s room, and an occasional fistfight on the playground are the most destructive things that happen at school.  In those days the principal and most teachers were authorized to use a paddle to keep order in school and the paddles, for the most part, worked to whack the mischief out of the students.  Paddles do not stop bullets.  Paddles also do little in the hands of a typical teacher to stop a violent student who weighs in excess of 200 pounds.  Thus today, we as a society find ourselves in a nation where law enforcement officers are needed to maintain order at school.  This sad situation means that money that could have been spent on education must be spent on safety.

Recently the  Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation have publicly aired a grievance over the cost of police protection in the public schools.  EVSC Superintendent Dr. David Smith, who reportedly earns a compensation package of over $300,000 per year.  He’s on record that an additional $2.50 per hour pay increase over the amount recently approved by the school is excessive.  We feel that what these officers are paid is every bit as necessary to the educational process as the highly paid superintendent is.

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) recently asked for a pay increase for officers choosing to work off-duty shifts in the high schools. At the November 13th meeting, the EVSC  school board approved increasing the part-time police officers hourly officers rate by 10%, to a total amount of $27.50 per hour. Even while the members of the FOP are disappointed in this decision they pledged to continue to post schedules for these off-duty shifts. Officers and deputies who are interested in working may continue to sign up as they have for the past 8 years.
The City-County Observer calls upon EVSC Superintendent Dr. David Smith to do the right thing and budget for sufficient school security and to pay them a wage that is appropriate for the service that they provide.  These officers have gone more than a couple of years without a reasonable increase in pay and need an adjustment just to stay even with what their pay would have bought at their last adjustment.
We certainly wish that our schools were safe and that this money was not needed to control unruly and violent students but realize that the reality of the situation is that safety is a necessity and that it does not come cheap.  Dr. Smith needs to compensate these officers with a reasonable wage increase and do everything within his power to blunt the violence on campus.


  1. Adjust the budget next year, possibly do away with one of his many administrators that he has created of the years. Or just possibly take a pay cut!!

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