Dr. Richard Moss, Congressional Candidate, Republican Party Presents Conservative Plan for the 8th District 

A Plan For Southwest Indiana:  Legislative Agenda For Indiana’s 8th District
by Dr. Richard Moss Congressional Candidate, Republican Party

(Jasper, IN)  – Today, at a meeting with supporters, Dr. Moss discussed his plan to present to the voters of Indiana’s 8th Congressional District to return conservative values and policies to SW Indiana. For nearly six years now we have been represented by a big spending, liberal Republican, a loyal foot soldier of the Republican Establishment, who has disappointed his constituents at every turn. Dr. Moss is an Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon from Jasper, IN.

“I have a simple Fourteen Point Plan that addresses the major national issues affecting the 8th district, the state, and the country.”


We need to bring our corporations back from abroad and encouraging companies here by lowering and simplifying taxes, reducing regulations, and providing an optimal business climate to entice businesses to come to Indiana and put our people back to work with good paying jobs. I embrace the American Free Enterprise system and vigorously reject Socialism.


I stand strong in support of environmentally sound development of our natural resources, including coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy.  Our energy industry creates good paying jobs, keeps fuel and energy costs down, ensures energy independence, makes Indiana more competitive, and provides revenue for necessary state programs and infrastructure.


I embrace a Pro-American Immigration Policy. I support deportation of illegal aliens, e-verify, and exit-entry visa tracking. I would repeal the Immigration Act of 1965 and end chain migration based on family reunification. I would build a wall and secure our border. Border security is national security.  I oppose amnesty and birthright citizenship. No driver’s licenses, in-state tuition, or access to our welfare programs.  I would end the waves of immigrants entering the country that take jobs from Americans and lower wages, and increase burdens on schools, healthcare, prisons, criminal justice, law enforcement, our safety net, and our local communities and states.  Immigration is not an entitlement or right for immigrants. It exists to benefit the American people.


As a doctor, I know that our current medical system is in need of reform. But I oppose Obamacare and any other attempt to nationalize our medical system. We need free market reform based on competition and choice.  We need health care that is portable, affordable, and personal.


Indiana has up to 70% of its land under cultivation. Corn, soybeans, and tomatoes are produced in bounty. Hog farming is most prominent. Maintaining this elevated level of agricultural production is essential. Reducing regulations and lowering taxes and allowing our farmers to compete and export will help.


Our educational institutions must provide students with marketable skills and classical education that will enable them to find jobs through vocational training and instruction or to enter and succeed in college and find productive employment after. I support our community colleges that provide one and two-year associate degrees at reduced cost that are market or job oriented.  I encourage parent-teacher based education that is state and locally controlled.


I endorse a balanced budget, and would limit federal spending to a fixed low percentage of the economy or GDP. I would start by reducing spending to pre-Obama 2008 levels other than for increases in inflation and population.  I support zero-based budgeting and sunset provisions on all programs to ensure a lean, effective government that, like regular Americans, must live within its means. Our national debt and unfunded liabilities threaten our nation and are unsustainable.


A strong, moral culture centered on the traditional, intact married family and faith are key elements of our Hoosier and American values and essential to a flourishing civil society.


Everyone is an individual first. I oppose the government’s efforts to balkanize the nation on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, and “class.” We are one nation with one language and one culture. It used to be called the “melting pot.” The Left, the media, many of our schools and campuses, elements within the Democrat Party and some clueless Republicans, reject this and embrace dividing the nation into competing racial and ethnic tribes. This is un-American – and will undermine the country. I embrace the individual, the melting pot, E Pluribus Unum (“From One Many), Americanization, assimilation, one language, one culture. I stand with Martin Luther King and support a merit-based, colorblind society that is founded on “the content of one’s character, not the color of one’s skin.”  It has worked for two centuries and should not be abandoned now.  But such thinking is under assault. I will defend it.


Working Americans are under attack in this country. They have been abandoned by elements within the Democrat Party and foolishly ignored by Republicans. It is time to regain their confidence and win their votes by promoting our energy industry (all fossil fuels including coal, oil, natural gas; also nuclear), creating good paying employment, reducing taxes, and ending the waves of immigrants entering the country that take their jobs and lower wages.


Our fourth branch of government, the federal bureaucracy, operates under the radar screen. But every year it issues tens of thousands of pages of regulations that have the impact of law with little or no credible Congressional oversight. They are unaccountable, unelected and wield tremendous power. In particular, I would rein in the EPA with its destructive CO2 emissions regulations (among many others) that are closing down coal plants and many other related industries and companies, imposing terrible burdens on Hoosiers, our state and the country.

Congress also sets the jurisdiction for the federal courts including the Supreme Court. It should use its constitutional authority to limit the Supreme Court’s power over the entire nation – a majority of a committee of nine unelected lawyers in black robes, who have taken it upon themselves, for example, to decide fundamental issues like the definition of marriage for 320 million Americans, fifty states, and fifty democratically elected state legislatures. It is unchecked judicial lawlessness.  It is not democratic and it is not Constitutional.


I favor term limits as one of the most effective mechanism to end our reckless, out of control federal government by professional career politicians in both parties, their special interests, consultants, and lobbyists that go to Washington, cut deals, grow the size of government and bankrupt our country.


President Obama has gutted our military. American weakness is provocative. When America withdraws our enemies advance as we see around the world with Russia and China on the move, Iran pursuing nuclear weapons, ISIS spreading, and the Middle East in flames. The world is safer and America is safer when America has the strongest military in the world.


I defend liberty, private property, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  We must put our reckless federal government back into its Constitutional box to increase the circle of liberty for the rest of us.  I embrace all ten amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights but would emphasize three because they have been under assault.  They are the First Amendment including free speech and religious liberty, the Second Amendment, the right of self-defense, and the Tenth Amendment regarding state sovereignty. I will oppose those who attempt to take away our God-given rights.

“Our nation is at the precipice.  Time is running out.  Enactment of this plan will get us back on the conservative track in Southwest Indiana. It will move the 8th District, Indiana, and the country in the right direction toward fiscal, economic, moral, cultural, and demographic strength.

I ask for your vote in the Republican Primary May 3 2016. I will be your conservative champion in Washington.  I will not let you down.  Thank you.”



    As a doctor, I know that our current medical system is in need of reform. But I oppose Obamacare and any other attempt to nationalize our medical system. We need free market reform based on competition and choice. We need health care that is portable, affordable, and personal.

    You must have copied this out of Bucshon’s book of talking points because he has said the exact same thing which amounts to saying absolutely nothing. Just exactly how would you reform our health care system cutting the cost in half because that is the true driver of our future financial destruction if it isn’t brought under control?

    Just an update on your throw in of Iran and nuclear weapons, Iran was within 3 months of acquiring a nuclear weapon and now even critics of the agreement state it’ll be 15 years before they can acquire one if they follow the agreement which they not only are doing, but beat their deadline in doing it.

    Anyone to the right of Bucshon is exactly what we do not need but it’s always nice to see another doctor for coal from a health stand point….

  2. All the proper Fox talking points appear to have been checked off with this position statement. Not sure how this doctor is particularly different then the current doctor who is serving as our representative, but whatevs.

  3. ALSO…

    “The world is safer and America is safer when America has the strongest military in the world.”

    By what bizarre metric do we NOT have the strongest military in the world? Our spending on the military dwarfs that of any other nation (or group of nations, frankly), we can fill the seas with warships and darken the skies with planes, and have a combat oriented military presence in more nations than any other country on earth. We have absolute, unqualified air supremacy in any battlespace on the planet, and completely dominate the electromagnetic spectrum and low-orbit atmosphere. With our nuclear aresenal we can. literally, kill everybody on earth dozens of times over, and our President could reduce any nation to radioactive glass with an utterance.

    The good doctor should not confuse the fact that our armed forces have been unable to accomplish the absurd missions they are frequently given with weakness. No amount of military spending by the U.S. can pacify the world, nor can it guarantee 100% security.

  4. Last thing we, Southern Indiana, needs is another conservative. I agree with the above statements. We DO need someone that can promote clean energy in this area since that is where the job growth is. Can we at least get someone to run that is forward thinking??

  5. We need to get behind Richard Moss and send Larry Bucshon, who has been a huge disappointment, packing. Bucshon has been nothing but a go-along-get-along party stooge, unwilling to rock the boat and doing whatever Boehner and now Ryan tell him to do. Dr. Moss is exactly what the USA and Southern Indiana need – a true Conservative.

  6. The difference between Bucshon and Dr. Moss is Dr. Moss believes what he said and Bucshon just said it to get elected. Bucshon has a more liberal voting record than many Democrats. In fact if he was rated as Democrat he would score higher as a Democrat than he does as a Republican. He campaigns on stopping the EPA and then fully funds it. He campaigns on stopping the socialistic ObamaCare and then fully funds it. He votes against it a few time then fully funds it and then declares he voted against… a special kind of liar.

  7. DeltaBrovo, those are not Fox News talking points. Those are the serious plans Conservatives are going to implement to start implementing to begin undoing the damage of King Obama’s Progressive agenda. Conservatives are going to support our liberty, private property, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, unlike the lawless president we have now. With a President Cruz and support from Dr. Moss in the House and Marlin Stutzman in the Senate. I relish the thought of dismantling the EPA, Dept. of miseducation, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Agriculture. Once again allowing the States to decide their own policies.

    You are talking through your rear end concerning absolute, unqualified air supremacy in any battlespace on the planet. You are not keeping abreast of Chinese and Russian technology concerning hardware and electronic warfare. “Kill everybody on earth dozens of times over??” How quaint, so 1970ish.

    Paul, We need more Conservatives Representative not only from Southern Indiana, but from throughout Indiana and the other 49 states.

  8. Bucshon is following the Republican establishment smoke and mirrors game. He says he stands up for coal and that he is working to keep the regulations the EPA put forward at bay until after the next President is elected. How in the world is that any guarantee against the job killing EPA regulations? We don’t know who the next President is going to be or what stance they will take. You can’t pass legislation and fund legislation and then say you are against it. The same with Obamacare, Planned Parenthood and Obama’s Immigration by pen. Congress’s power is “the power of the purse”. Instead of putting up reasonably sized budget bills that can be read before they are passed they are still ramming through massive unreadable bills brought out 48 hours before passing. This is an abuse of power and a smack in the face to representative governance. Dr. Moss takes a stand on these issues and has for years. He actually understands and knows the issues instead of just doing the party’s bidding. We need a real man of the people like Dr. Richard Moss in Congress to return representation of the forgotten man and woman. Someone who fights for the middle class that the policies of both parties are killing. GO MOSS!

  9. The more Bat Poo crazy the republican candidate, the better for democrats. You still haven’t learned anything from railroading Luger. Go MOSS!

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