Downtown Master Plan – Community Input Meetings

When: Tuesday, November 10
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Old Post Office Events Plaza, 100 NW Second, 47708

Denver-based Progressive Urban Management (P.U.M.A.), the lead consultant on the City of Evansville’s new Downtown Master Plan, invites you to take part in collaborative sessions about our downtown city core.
The sessions will begin with a discussion on global trends affecting downtowns and how they can be leveraged to impact downtown Evansville. Following the discussion, attendees are encouraged to visit ‘Idea Stations’ where they can communicate directly with the planners working on the Master Plan.


  1. And it will be appreciated if you will,– Please ignore,– the $500+ MILLION DOLLAR– Gorilla in the Room,
    —The EPA Mandate.

  2. No kidding, If they design the fix it’ll be more like a billion dollars at completion, maybe $260-$310 million if our consortiums fix was implemented and completed in the next say 5-6 years. Still a huge slopping trough for the cronies to belly up to.

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