Raging Moderate by Will Durst

Yeah, I hear what you’re saying. “For all you political comics, Donald Trump must be a dream come true. Manna from heaven. Slam-dunking from a step-ladder. Swimming in a sea of beer.”

Oh sure, there are jokes.

1. Trump’s presidential campaign is like a baboon’s butt. The higher he climbs, the harder it is to look.

2. Not saying his message is confusing, but doubt he could convince a majority of the voices in his head to vote for him.

3. Trump doesn’t respect gay marriage because of tradition. And the fact that he’s been married three times just makes him… extra traditional.

4. Wants to run the country like a business. Which is worrisome. Because he seems exactly the kind of guy who would burn it down for the insurance.

Don’t forget the aerodynamic coif. But getting an actual handle on the Big El Nino is as difficult as Klingon calculus. How do you parody a parody? Most candidates cling to talking points the way deep sea divers do air hoses, but to a real estate developer, points apparently are to be avoided at all costs.

He’s all over the place: an anachronistic hybrid, tweeting from the Old West. No notes. No Tele-Prompter. No handlers. The focus of a feather. Shooting straight from the hip and the lip. “Mexicans are rapists.” “John McCain is a poseur.” “Megyn Kelly got hormonal.”

Donald Trump vs. Megyn Kelly: now there’s a sequel worthy of Buckley vs. Vidal. Do you get the feeling America doesn’t care who wins this skirmish as long as one of them loses. Hey, just doing good journalism.

Despite more slip-ups than 3rd graders playing Bombardment in stocking feet on a freshly polished gym floor, the New York developer’s approval rating continues to rise like a pastry factory with a leaky yeast valve. If Reagan were Teflon, the Donald is some sort of space age polymer.

But to say that not all is happy-rama in the GOP theme park is similar to intimating that salted caramel cream puffs make inadequate shock absorbers. The exploits of Walker, Cruz, Rubio and Bush are a PBS after-thought to the daily TMZ shenanigans of Mr. Celebrity Apprentice Presidente.

A finite amount of light is available in a primary campaign, and the brighter it shines on a single spoiled trust fund baby, the less luminosity available for the incredible array of governors and former governors running nearby. With the odd senator thrown in. “Odd” being the operative word.

Then consider that each of the semi-normal politicians is being bankrolled by a totally different collection of billionaires and you can see the problem. The obscenely affluent don’t encourage their kind to run for president. Tends to eliminate the middle-men. The rich prefer their office holders beholden. Puppets with strings are easier to control. As the Donald says, “the system’s broken,” and the people agree.

So here’s a tip for all you professional scoffers sneering at Trump’s chances of winning the nomination, and should he pull that off, disparage as laughable the thought of a victory in the general. Just remember… they said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. And we all know how that turned out. Wonder if another Bush could be talked into the VP slot. There’s synchronicity for you.

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Todays video features Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken talking about mismanagement of our taxpayers money by the Winnecke Administration. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Trump is leading because he has the guts to speak the truth about the most critical issue facing America today. Illegal aliens. Political correctness( another undesirable trait Trump does not indulge in) and politics in general, prevent other candidates in both parties from speaking common sense on this issue. To even talk about a “path to citizenship” for 100 to 200,000,000 people who came to our country illegally is SHEER MADDNESS.
    Wonder what Will Durst thinks of Democrat candidate socialist Bernie Sanders.

  2. Do you die hard angry old white guy get off my lawn republicans really want this guy representing us as people? Do his crass, nasty statements really sound presidential?

    • Baghdad Bob. Do you die hard false-information dems really want to legalize and give amnesty to 100-300 million illegal aliens, thereby ceding our national sovereignty?
      Trump’s crass, nasty statements are every bit as presidential as Barack H Obama’s statements; the difference being Trump’s statements are pro-American.

    • It is precisely Trump’s “…crass, nasty statements…” that the people love. Nobody owns Trump. ALL THE REST are beholden to somebody. Trump is absolutely refreshing and yes, he can win. I hope he does.

  3. Donald Trump beliefs on women and immigration are not the kind of person we need as President. While a small % of his positions are topics that need to be discussed, the majority of his beliefs are not what this Country needs in its President. He is bad for the Republican Party and I wish he would go away. Because the excessive air time exposure he gets by the media, he is a distraction away from the other candidates. Voters need to learn more about their thought process/positions. Trump is bad for the whole political process—both parties. The media is having a field day with his off-the-wall comments because it sells advertisements/attracts viewer audience.

    Go home Donald.

    Wayne Parke
    Chairman Vanderburgh Republican Party.

    • It is precisely Trump’s “…crass, nasty statements…” that the people love. Nobody owns Trump. ALL THE REST are beholden to somebody. Trump is absolutely refreshing and yes, he can win. I hope he does.

    • Trump is the best thing to ever hit the absolutely corrupt American political process. As for harming the GOP, they have failed every bit as miserably as the muslim currently squatting in the White House has. Trump is exactly what America needs. I have been a Republican all my adult life – not anymore and never again. Even at a local level, The GOP sucks wind. Cowards and sissies. And liars.

    • Wayne,

      You have just proven yourself to be a part of the “system”. You have no desire to do what is best for the people of the country, our county or our city. You want to keep whatever power you can amass and then try to amass m ore of it, all for yourself. Trump’s popularity comes from people who are tired of the PC, democratic light, supposed republicans who think only of their interests and not those of this nation as a whole.

      I ask, who are you to say what topics “the people need to discuss”. You do not speak for the rest of the people in the country, you try to do so, but you have no idea what america wants. You dislike Trump because he scares you. He could change your status quo and that makes you and all the other Republican establishment guys nervous and a bit scared.

      You sir are a joke and you are the one who needs to go home.

  4. Wayne If I did not like you before you made this statement about Trump I know I do not like you now. I feel you have done more harm to the Republican Party in this area then any one in the history of this local Party. You do not pull people together , you pull folks apart I wish you would go away . and take Lloyd W. with you….

    • To Ralph Cramden–
      Say Ralph–why do you hide behind an assumed name? Do you believe in transparency?

      I must be doing something right–there are more Republicans elected in SW Indiana than there ever has been. The number is going to increase in November.

      Wayne Parke

      • Wayne. Are you for real? Do you really believe you had anything to do with SW Indiana Republican gains in the last election?

        • Obama had to do with the gains, that’s it. Yes, republican voters are dumb enough to think Obama had anything to do with local politics.

  5. Mr. Wayne Park,

    I admire you for your consistently. A few days ago you made a statement of how wonderful a job that Lloyd Winnecke was doing as Evansville’s Mayor. Now you’re speaking out against Donald Trump. Neither of your statements carry any weight because they have no tangible points.

    Another reason why I admire your consistently is that you are pro-Winnecke (who is the one of WORST Mayors in Evansville’s history), and you’re anti-Trump (who would more likely get America off of its collision course). That collision course that I’m stating of; is our weakening economy, our out of control illegal immigrant problem, and that the United States is the laughing stock of the world thanks to the last 4 Presidents we’ve had in office.

    So unlike other commentators here, I hope that you won’t go away. I would like to personally thank you for the ridiculous statements that you always make. They are certainly good for a lot of laughs. Also, it’s gentlemen like you that remind me why I don’t support ANY political party.

  6. The Fact that Trump scares the CRAP out of the Status Quo Thugs/Gangs is a Validation of why He has a growing base, quite frankly the country needs to throw the current “Party” Barons/Creeps like Parke out,– from Bottom(where he dwells) right on up to the bought and paid for “Princes and Princesses” in Congress.
    Go Trump!

  7. Trump is forcing discussions about subjects that need to be discussed. Sanders is doing the same thing on the democrat side. As much as things look like a clown show now, these two guys forcing the focus on issues that the power brokers won’t are good for the country. We have had too much of a focus on political correctness to solve any problems. If these two rattle some good candidates out they will have served us well. The last thing we need is two skunks in the ballot. That is what the two parties are trying to give us.

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