Deduction filing deadline nears for Indiana property owners


Evansville, IN (December 17, 2010) – The Vanderburgh County Auditor would like to remind residents that the deadline to file property tax deductions is January 5, 2011.

Deduction applications must be filed with the County Auditor’s Office on or before January 5, 2011 for the taxpayer to receive the eligible deductions on their 2011 property tax bills. To ensure that you are not paying higher taxes than you should for next year, be sure to file for any deductions that you are entitled.

If you have previously filed a mortgage deduction, you would only need to re-file if you have refinanced. If you have filed a homestead deduction, you would only need to re-file if you have moved. If you recently purchased a home and filed for your homestead on the sales disclosure form, you would not need to re-file.

For more information, or to review the eligibility requirements for the deductions, go to the Auditor’s website at . Deductions can be filed in the Auditor’s Office which is located in Room 208 of the Civic Center Complex. Office hours are from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. The phone number is 435-5293.


  1. The tax exemption Troy Tornatta’s wife didn’t drop from her home, after they married, is the Homestead Exemption. A married couple can have only ONE Homestead Exemption.

    In addition to the $45,000 deduction from the taxable value of your home that the Homestead Exemption provides, there is an addition Supplemental Exemption based on a percentage of the assessed value of the property after the Homestead Exemption is deducted. THEN, there is the matter of the property tax caps. A Homestead is taxed at only 1% while a second home or rental property is taxed at 2%. She was getting a 50% reduction of the property taxes she paid because she was getting the wrong cap.

    Mrs. Tornatta was paying only half the property tax she should have been paying and not paying ANY tax on the $45,000 + the supplemental exemption. Hopefully, Rick Davis will review her tax payments, since she and Troy married, and bill her for the actual amount she should have been paying, with interest.

    Anyone whose real estate was RE-ASSESSED in 2010, who and believes the increase is unfair or excessive needs to file an appeal. If you were re-assessed you should have received a notice shortly after November 4th, the day the assessor’s office put them in the mail.

    Appeal forms can be gotten from the Assessor’s Office or online at: .
    Click on the “FORMS” tab and
    Click on “FORM 130-SHORT”. There are two pages. You can print it out or fill it in online and email it to the assessor. You ONLY need to fill in the top portion of the form, as the second section is titled “OPTIONAL INFORMATION NOT REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF FILING”.

    An Independent Appraisal is not required, as information for value comparisons can be found on the web. If Mr. Weaver can’t do it, ask Mr. Fluty, he knows how to find and compare them.

    The forms must bear a postmark of Monday, December 20, 2010, be hand delivered to the Assessor’s Office before closing on Monday, December 20, 2010, or emailed to the assessor before MIDNIGHT of Monday, December 20, 2010.

    Regardless of how it is delivered, you should make a copy of it for your files. If hand delivering it, take your copy and ask to have it time/date stamped.

    Sorry to run on, but you shuld not be paying for a 50% or 60% increase on your l acre lot or residence and other property. APPEAL!!!!!

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