Darke-Schreiber and Dunn Pendleton Comes OUT OF RETIREMENT FOR ONE SHORT MOMENT



Past Memorial High School basketball stand outs

Mollie Darke-Schreiber and Holly Dunn-Pendleton played in Memorials first  ever Alumni game for the girls yesterday.  There team won by a mere 3 points.

After the game they said;  “it’s obvious that they would  have to  practice and work out some before doing this again next year. It was also obvious that the mind now works quicker than the body since they played in high school”.

A large crowd witnessed this fun filled event.  About 30 graduates who played for Memorial girls basketball participated in this  first ever Girls Alumni event.


  1. Always enjoyed watching Mollie play… She is a great athlete! What a great tradition!

  2. Great pic of the girls! Way to go to both of them. Thanks for the involvement. I say keep going til you break a leg!

  3. What a fun game to watch! Both Holly and Mollie took a tumble, but they got up. Great to witness!

  4. Wow… Oldies playing young ones.. With basketball this is a hard thing. Glad to see you gals stayed in shape to make it on the court!! Hooray!! +1 for you both!!!

  5. This looks like it was fun! Glad they won! Two great people there!!
    Hope to see you back next year to play!

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