Daily Off Topic Forum September 8, 2015



  1. Just who the hell does riecken think she is ‘demanding’ support from weaver and mosby? I hope this unqualified lefty loses in a landslide and I believe she will.

    • Elkaybee was swearing full Democratic Councilmember endorsement of the the Dem candidate for Mayor earlier this year. I don’t understand it.

  2. The Liar is Toast!
    2 Government Intelligence agencies (one of them the CIA) and Inspector General office report that Hillery’s unsecured “private” e-mail server had at least–2 “TOP SECRET”– emails on it.

    Hillery–Jail– in 2016

    In a related rumor, —Bill is said to be wondering if she cares that He Dates while She is in Jail.

    • Crash,

      Like Hillary or not, what must she be convicted of in the court to go to jail? Is there a law that another person you can cite that broke that same law and was sent to jail for it?

      • U.S. four star Army General David Petraeus was forced to resign, sentenced to two years probation and fined $100,000 for what he did – and he admitted his error or his very poor judgement. What Hillary has done is endanger the national security of the United States to an unknown but far, far more serious degree – and her acts were willful. David Petraeus is out. Hillary is running for President. The indictment will come for hillary and hopefully, very soon. She must never become the President of the United States. She is corrupt to the bone. Hillary Clinton is a traitorous criminal and must be charged and tried.

        • (Crash purposefully didn’t answer the question asked of him. BTW, Petraeus’ infraction is not comparable. If anything, sharing classified information haphazardly w/out malice is at best, negligent. Crash tries to imply Hillary was intentionally treasonous. Petraeus did it willfully – to show off- and with intent to do so. AND there was no jail of course.)
          The problem Crash doesn’t want to acknowledge is “there’s little legally wrong here.” Politically? Perhaps. But legally resulting in jail time? Crash can’t name that.

          • The Truth is being willfully hidden behind the 5th amendment pleas of Hillery’s Aides and this whole issue has yet to play out, so at what point Hillery is held responsible is anyone’s guess. I like you, am a bystander to the intrigue of Political power and the Law.
            We shall see,–“I am not a Crook” Nixon erased about 19minutes of tape,–Hillery erased 30,000 E-mails.
            Do you really believe she is “Clean” and not “Dirty” ? I think the “Jury” of Voters will convict her of Malfeasance in the voting booth in 2016— and relegate her to the Dust bin of History, whether her Political connections protect her from prosecution or not.

          • His actions are very comparable. Release of classified information at all levels is a crime.

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