Home Uncategorized Daily Off Topic Forum October 1, 2015


  1. The world is absolutely on fire and what is the focus of the White House today?
    Where transgenders can have a safe place to urinate and deficate.

    • Who set that fire in the Middle East you’re talking about Balloonpilot?
      Who did that?
      Let’s ask Dick Cheney !!
      (you know the rest….thanks for bringing up the fires in the Middle East, BP)

      • That’s only part of it. I’m also talking about the American economy in the toilet, the true unemployment rate (94,000,000 unemployed) , the 50,000,000 Americans living below the poverty line and the like. Don’t you agree we have bigger problems than where trannies can ‘safely’ take a piss? This president is an absolute disaster. That’s right, call me a racist. That’s all you’ve got.

      • Maybe so, but we know that was a bad idea. Why is it a good idea for Obama to throw gas on the flames?

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