Daily Off Topic Forum November 9, 2015



  1. Since 2008 Democrats have lost more than 900 seats in state legislatures, almost 70 seats in the House of Representatives, 13 Senate seats, and 12 State governors offices.–Next up- losing the White House via the “Serial Liar” Hillery being rejected for the Presidency by the Voters.

    • Crash…well, wishful thinking helps sometimes.
      Right now, the GOP’s biggest obstacle to winning back the White House is the GOP Party itself.
      The Tea Party element of the Republican Party is considered by 75% of the United States to be
      backward, extremist, sovereign-nation driven, toothless, ignorant redneck trash.
      In local elections like you cited Crash, those people can win local elections due to gerrymandering.
      But in national elections for the White House, the entire country votes, and it will be a struggle to beat Hillary if the GOP selects a Tea Party crazy idiot as its GOP Presidential Primary winner.

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