Daily Off Topic Forum November 14, 2015



  1. Looks like another intelligence failure. Armed terrorists kill innocent civilians. Where was our leaders???How could they allow this to happen??Congress should investigate this. Did the president allow this to happen? Was there a failure on his part or did he just not care since it was not happening in USA?

    We should saddle up and chase those responsible down and bring them to JUSTICE!!!

    • You fool I’m am from the EU, Its a refugee problem, war in the middle east and north Africa. The wrath of climate change is only going to drive more of this human migration and unrest. Approach the problem study it and use known science, and law enforcement techniques, that’s the only thing that will arrest this violence.
      I’m pretty much global with my work and research, I’ve seen things first person, people should not allow such tragedy as they can react to it with the best foot forward. ” Fanatic declarations” such as yours actually make you no better than the extremists on the other side of the issue. Of course its easy for you there to spout off because there is no such unrest in your smallish little failing town.

      Solving humanities greatest challenge to date, that being climate migration is the only way to address this tragic issue. These attacks and arrests are hitting pretty close to home for myself. My background tells me to solve the root cause issues, and cut the stupidity and violence with some working solutions.

      • You are so right, Comrade EllieL for schooling this dumb reactionary about the real cause being climate change. Many less sophisticated observers would point out that places like Syria and Iraq have been embroiled in civil conflicts for more than 40 years or even much longer. Many foolish reactionaries believe this had something to do with the conflicts between the Islamic sects of the minority ruling faction and the majority, but you have seen directly through to the real cause despite the lack of hard evidence for any climate change from the long-term averages. Other reactionaries would point to the fact that hard-line Arab, Iranian, and Turkish regimes in the Middle East and North Africa would in the not-so-distant past have halted such refugees at their borders and that the racist EU would never have accepted them. It is gratifying to see that you believe that it is normal refugee behavior from the ravages of climate change to accept generous welfare for months, years or even decades, and then to blow up or shoot their hosts.

        I believe that we in the US would do well to listen to knowledgeable Euroleftists like yourself. Europe has brought us many fine socialist leaders, like Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, V. I. Lenin, Vidkun Quisling, and Enver Hoxha.

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

        • You have more than proven you are a social idiot. Spouting off with your rightist crap does exactly zero return to the addressing the solutions to that problem.

          Stay inside the box with your foolish ranting, there,s little productive room for you on the outside where the standing solutions abound. God you make me sick.

      • Ellie L is just another socialist acting like she knows how to save the world. Instead she is programmed by the leftist propaganda and tries to act like she and only she can save the world from….wait for it….climate change….lol hahahaha the most idiotic fake religion in the world today. You dumasses never learned a thing about weather did you? weather changes, it goes through cuticles. Check the records, check the history, nah that is too much like work for you preprogrammed socialists pigs.

  2. Just curious: Have any of the local muslims come forward to condemn the Paris attacks? Didn’t think so. ‘Good muslim’ is a oxymoron.

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