Daily Off Topic Forum June 25,2015



    • And millions of conservative republicans will be disappointed that they can’t pull the rug out from under the working poor.

      • A little side note to all the promises of the ACA, one was that emergency room visits would decline thus saving money. In fact they have increased since the enactment. i guess Gruber miscalculated again.

        • This is true and there was a study before the ACA was passed that should there more available emergency room service is the more people will use it. With very high Co-Pays, that’s counterintuitive so something is going on there we don’t understand.

          Nevertheless the rate of pct increase of both health care costs and premiums have been rising more slowly since the ACA was passed so costs are being contained despite the higher ER use.

      • Do you think it’s right for the SCOTUS to legislate from the bench? That’s exactly what has happened.

        • Roberts used Scalia’s own words and rulings, in prior cases where Scalia had said that context was paramount in ruling on statutory language, to buttress his majority opinion.

          Frickin’ Hilarious.

      • It’s a win for you if this is to believed:
        Dec. 10, 2014 9:04 a.m.

        ‘… I recently enrolled in the ACA and because of my income, being self employed, I was eligible for a ridiculous high subsidy with an equally ridiculously low monthly payment and deductible. ‘ ~~ Enoch

        Bureaucracies sustain themselves, sometimes it’s all they do. The good ones, like those servicing the ACA, should be able to tap all the governmental resources needed to assure success in their mission.

        • Did you miss the word ridiculous? I am winning and someone else is losing, but what choice do I have? So just put it back in your “everything Enoch say” file. BTW, are you paying more or less for your policy?

          • Weak defense. I don’t have an ‘Enoch said’ file, just a good memory. You are caught again. I’m just glad you finally got some insurance. Ho ho ho.

  1. 5 items to purge us from our racist past:
    1. Democratic Party – Party of slavery, Japanese concentration camps, and Jim Crow laws. The party of racists, KKK, race baiter, and dividers.
    2. FDR – Put Japanese who were Americans in concentration camps and did nothing to stop the trains bringing Jews to their death.
    3. Wilson – Racist, brought segregation back to the government including the military.
    4. President Jackson – the only good Indian is a dead Indian.
    5. Obama – Since becoming President has brought employment rock bottom for Blacks. Partially caused riots and overall misery by dividing people by race, income, religion, sex, political affiliation, and sexual orientation.

  2. Immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt issued Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527 to authorize the United States to detain allegedly potentially dangerous enemy aliens. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies arrested thousands of suspected enemy aliens, mostly individuals of German, Italian, or Japanese ancestry, living throughout the United States.

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