Crouch Statement On Bias Crimes Bill Signing


The bill allows a judge to consider at sentencing whether a crime was committed with bias or because of a victim’s “real or perceived characteristic, trait, belief, association or other attribute.” The measure also defines “bias crimes” as a crime against someone based on their color, creed, disability, national origin, race and sexual orientation. These categories are already listed in Indiana’s nearly 20-year-old bias crimes statute.

“By signing this enrolled act into law, we are widening the umbrella of judicial coverage for more Hoosiers. I stand with Governor Holcomb in the calling of protecting all individuals regardless of their color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion or sexual orientation and allowing a judge to consider at sentencing whether a crime was committed with bias or because of a victim’s real or perceived characteristic, trait, belief, association or other attribute. By adding these descriptions, we are removing Indiana from the list of states that do not have this clarification in statute. I look forward to addressing the needs of our communities so we can continue to take Indiana and the Hoosiers that call it home to the Next Level.”