Creepy Crawlers & Canoes

Our 2016 canoe season is in full swing! Experience the beauty of our local waterways with Wesselman Nature Society! All trips are led by an ACA certified instructor and all equipment is provided. Participants must be ages 7 & up.
Preregistration and payment of $15 members or $20 non-members per person is required in advance by the Thursday prior to the trip. Custom trips, scouting, groups, and field trip options are available by calling (812)479-0771 x105.
Upcoming Guided Canoe Trips

7/16/2016  Lynnville Lake – 6 pm – Moonlight Paddle

7/23/2016 – Pigeon Creek – 9 am

8/6/2016 – Lynnville Lake – 9 am

Click here to register!

Moths far outnumber butterflies and are much more varied, but most people don’t notice them since they’re usually active at night. Join Indiana Master Naturalist / Southwestern Indiana Master Gardener Debbie Goedde for a look at these nocturnal beauties. We recommend bringing a camp chair, bug spray, and a flashlight.

Bug Safari
August 14 2-4 pm
Howell Wetlands

Join Indiana Master Naturalist / Indiana Master Gardener Debbie Goedde for a guided safari through Howell Wetlands. Insects and spiders abound in the air, on the ground, and even under the waters of this wetland habitat. Explore and see what you can catch! Each event will include a different hands-on activity and a guided hike around the wetlands. Participants should dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.

This event is free, though large groups are asked to call ahead for a reservation. 812 479-0771 x102. The program will be canceled in the event of heavy rain, storms, severe weather alerts, or temperatures below 60 degrees.