Congressman Mike Pence Endorses Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor


Mike Pence Endorses Winnecke

Mayoral candidate Lloyd Winnecke received the endorsement today of Republican Rep. Mike Pence, a candidate for governor of Indiana and an icon of the national conservative movement. Here is the statement released today by Rep. Pence:

“I have traveled to Evansville to campaign for Lloyd Winnecke because I believe in his vision to lead Evansville forward. Lloyd has made good paying jobs his top priority for Evansville and he has a solid plan to make it happen. I am proud to endorse Lloyd’s candidacy for Mayor and I look forward to watch Evansville grow stronger as a result of his leadership.”

Winnecke had previously received the endorsement of Gov. Mitch Daniels, which you can listen to online here. Winnecke has also been endorsed by non-partisan groups such as the Courier & Press editorial board, the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Chamber of Commerce.


  1. Absolutely disgraceful. I am as conservative as they come, and Pence has lost my vote forever with this farce.

    If Winnecke is a conservative, then so is Obama. Winnecke is a member of the RINO wing the Republican party. I guess Pence is ok with that, but real conservatives are not.

    • Yeah, well the Vanderburgh County Right to Life would disagree with you vokayel. They rate Winnecke an A+ and Davis an F. Davis also was a major cheerleader for Obamacare.

      If you’re a Davis supporter, I have to really question whether you are a conservative as you say you are.

      • vonkayel same as all other loud mouth pick rick drum beaters. Twist the facts to suit the latest post. Pence supports Winnecke for same reason John Gregg supports Davis. Both running for governor and want their own party in power in Evansville. Right to life credentials? Winnecke is conservative catholic. Davis is liberal non church goer who tears up right to life questionaires and throws in trash can. You figure it out.

          • I can’t speak for blanger, but since I happen to know the people involved here, it says that I am not buying the idea that Lloyd Winnecke is “pro-Life.”

          • Your talking semantics, a sitting mayor has no control over federal law much less any input into federal or state laws for that matter. I’m sure both candidates are pro-life as it’s political suicide to be any other in public and run for office.

            The only effect a sitting mayor would have over a abortion clinic being operated is zoning as long as it meets all the state and federal laws and guidelines.

            To put such an issue into a mayoral race is simply baiting, it is a moral issue that both sides have their points…both good and bad.

            Maybe we should ask them (both candidates) how they feel about the death penalty? they have the same amount of control of that issue in our city.


        • Just out of curiosity, do you keep tabs on who attends church and who doesn’t?


  2. LOL at the idea that Winnecke is “pro-Life.” Neither is Rick Davis, not that it matters in a mayoral election.

    • Does not take much of a conservative to say right to life does not matter in mayoral election when local ordinance governs abortion clinics.

      • I just wonder if Lloyd has told Carol that he’s now “pro-Life.”

        She won’t be very happy about that!

        • So…what about right to die? What about supporting these children once they’re born? Sure, protect them in the womb, but as soon as they are here, throw them in the gutters (figuratively). Subjects like abortion aren’t pretty, but they are a reality and they are, unfortunately, necessary. Hmmm…kinda sounds like that war thing Republicans love so much.

          • Best to check whether it is Reps or Dems that have the war thing hanging on them.

            As to whether it’s better to be aborted or live a ruinous life…

            I’m thinking ,if it were me,I’d like to take my own chances.

            Just my opinion.

  3. I agree the reasoning behind this endorsement is the same as on the Dem side. The parties see Evansville as important at the state level. No big bombs dropped in this article.
    Winnecke defers when it comes to right to work because he has no say so in it as a mayor. He first said METH was a law enforcement issue and a state legislature issue. Deflection. Now he is on board with the Davis plan to control the sale of pseudo.
    But on right to life, which a mayor definatley has no say so on, he wants everyone to know where he stands.

    • Before you go believing that you better check local ordinance that regulates abortion clinics. The ordinance that Right to Life guided through local legislation.

  4. Let’s see….John, Pence, Pro-life. Three reasons to avoid Winnecke at all costs. And I am an Independent voice.

  5. John Gregg is a good guy who is slightly right of center. He sure got some bad intelligence to back Davis when the local Democrat leaders do not support him. Bad error.

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