Congressman Larry Bucshon received the “American Conservative Union Conservative” award this morning.


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Congressman Bucshon released the following statement:

“I am honored that the American Conservative Union recognized my strong conservative record today,” said Congressman Larry Bucshon. “During my time in Congress, I have consistently fought to cut spending, keep taxes low, bring good paying jobs to Hoosiers, and reform healthcare. I was elected to bring Hoosier common sense to Washington, DC and I will continue to do so.”

Al Cardenas, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, also stated:

“Congressman Larry Bucshon’s ACU rating of ‘88’ in 2012 and ‘86’ over two years of service shows a consistent commitment to conservative principles on a wide range of issues and we are delighted to present him with the ACU Conservative award for the second consecutive year.”

About ACU ratings – Throughout the history of the conservative ratings program, ACU has become the go-to source for determining whether an elected official’s philosophical rhetoric matches his or her record. The guides provide a comprehensive analysis of the legislative landscape over the preceding year. This differentiates ACU from other useful guides which may emphasize single areas, like taxes, defense, or social policy. The ACU tracks a wide range of issues before Congress to determine which issues and votes serve as a clear litmus test separating those representatives who defend liberty and liberal members who have turned their backs on our founding principles – constitutionally limited government, individual liberty, free markets, a strong national defense and traditional American values.

The “ACU Conservative” award is given to those members who scored 80 percent or higher.