Freedom, IN 3/11/14- Republican Congressional Candidate Andrew McNeil has vowed to take his campaign to the people of the 8th District by personally meeting with as many of the voters as he can. Calling it the “Walk Across the Districtâ€, McNeil believes that his campaign must go beyond the traditional appearances at GOP events and political rallies that are typical of office seekers.
McNeil believes that elections should not be decided by the candidate who has the most money to spend on ads, but rather by the candidate who is best able to connect with the voters and resonate with their concerns.
McNeil is eager to take his appeal directly to the voters of the district. Having already visited towns like Clay City, Linton, and Jasper, McNeil plans to visit every town in the district before Republican primary voting ends on May 6th. “I am always pleased by the positive reception I get whenever I take the time to visit with local businesses on Main Street. “McNeil commented. “People almost seem surprised that a congressional candidate would be willing to drop in and talk, but there shouldn’t be anything surprising about it. Congressmen are elected to represent the voters and they must always stay in contact with them. It’s their sworn duty.â€
McNeil was inspired to run for office partly by what he feels to be a lack of representation by current congressman Larry Bucshon. Recently, Bucshon was named one of “Boehner’s Bootlickers†by conservative blog RedState for choosing to support Speaker John Boehner’s agenda rather than the conservative platform on which he ran. Boehner’s approval rating is currently at 29% according to Rasmussen polling. This places him behind Nancy Pelosi who comes in at 31% on the same poll.
McNeil encourages anyone interested in gaining greater access to the political process to come out and visit with him as he travels. He posts regularly on Twitter and Facebook so check often to see when he will visit your town.
If you run an organization or business and would like to have Andrew visit, you can contact him through his website: To keep up with Andrew’s whereabouts as he travels the 8th District be sure to follow him on Facebook or on Twitter at mcneil4congress.
Indiana’s 8th District includes all or parts of Clay, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Greene, Knox, Martin, Owen, Parke, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Sullivan, Vanderburgh, Vermillion, Vigo, and Warrick Counties.
Let’s band together and “Murdoch” Larry Buschon. TPers help us pick up another seat!
To be a true Murdoching he’d have to do it to himself. Larry isn’t saying much. He communicates through ghost written boilerplate posted as a ‘Community Comment’ on what’s left of another media outlet. And semaphore.
Having a little trouble relating Rupert Murdoch to this race. Can you explain the corollary to which you and Bandana refer?
I guess it’s spelled wrong. Richard Mourdock maybe? The right wing nut job who beat out an electable republican and lost to Joe Donnelly.
‘Murdoching’ the verb is still spelled like it always has been, omitting the first ‘o’ and substituting the ‘k’ with the more appropriate ‘h’. When referencing Mourdock the failed politician you have to add the first ‘o’ and the ‘k’, according to most authorities. Some still insist the ‘M’ be capitalized. Regardless of how it’s spelled or whether or not you add his middle name of Earl, it doesn’t make what he said go away.
“I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen,  ~~ Earl Mourdock on his desire for a law forcing women to give birth to their rapist’s child
Unfortunately he spoke for quite a few people when he squeezed that out. Not enough, but quite a few nevertheless.
Now this is the way for one to get elected. I just love the way Andrew has decided to reach the people This type of campaigning is an era gone by.
I sincerely doubt that it will get him elected, but all of that walking may prove to be very good therapy for him.
Congressman Bucshon has done a good job representing the people of the 8th District. He just recently received the US Chamber ” Spirit of Enterprise Award “in recognition of his support of pro-growth, pro-jobs policies during the first session of the 113th Congress.
I fully support and endorse Congressman Bucshon to be re-elected to be our 8th District Representative in DC
Wayne Parke
Chairman Republican Party
Do you believe his vote was correct on this motion Wayne?
PASSWORD PRIVACY: Voting 189 for and 224 against, the House on April 18 defeated a bid to protect the privacy of social networking passwords as part of HR 624 (above). The Democratic measure sought to prohibit employers from requiring employees to divulge passwords to sites such as Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn as a condition of employment.
A yes vote was to pass the bill.
Voting yes: Visclosky, Carson
Voting no: Walorski, Stutzman, Rokita, Brooks, Messer, Bucshon, Young
If so Wayne, post your passwords on this forum right f_____g now because I cannot imagine your passwords being any more privy than the rest of ours.
Thanks, Reg………..
The dealer doesn’t do a background check on the lookouts or the shills, they’re part of the con.
Indiana infrastructure rated D+ by the ASCE
Rated one of the most polluted states in the country, rated #2 in the country for being the least green state, one of the least effiencent energy users, #6 in the country in releasing toxic air pollution with SW Indiana being the leading contributor.
Yeah Larry, KUTGW!
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