Concerned Health Advocates urge State Legislators Not to Use Workers as Political Pawns


Martha Caine, Indiana Smokefree Communities

“Concerned Health Advocates urge State Legislators Not to Use Workers as Political Pawns”

WHAT: An emergency news conference will be held to send a strong message to Senator Ron Alting and other Public Policy Committee members to protect all workers in Indiana from secondhand smoke. House Bill 1018 has been heard by the Senate Committee and a vote is scheduled for next week to amend the bill, kill the bill or pass it on as is, for the Governor’s signature. Concerned health advocates are demanding the current bill be amended to protect more workers.

WHO: Smokefree Communities of Vanderburgh County, Vanderburgh County Health Department, American Cancer Society, Indiana Rural Health Association, Smoke Free Indy, Hendricks County Coalition for Tobacco Prevention, Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs, Tobacco Free St. Joseph County, Healthy Communities of LaPorte County, Healthy and Tobacco-Free Madison County

WHEN: Monday, March 28
10:30 AM

WHERE: Vanderburgh County Health Department, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 420 Mulberry Street, Evansville, IN

WHY: It is shameful how this important health issue has become hijacked by political gamesmanship. For whatever reason, political agendas are trumping public health. Legislators must not treat people as political pawns. State Senator Ron Alting, has said “people will have to live with smoking exemptions, because smoking exemptions are needed politically.” The indifference of legislators to choosing which workers are protected and which ones are not is cold and it is costly to the state.

BACKGROUND: Health advocates have been fighting to protect all Hoosiers from tobacco smoke for the last 10 years; however, this bill is weak and ineffective. Some legislators believe asking to remove the bars, casinos, membership clubs and nursing home exceptions is asking too much. Advocates have been told they will have to live with these exemptions, but health advocates will not accept that life. These are real people with families that will be affected by this vote.

CONTACT: Martha Caine, Executive Director of Smokefree Communities of Vanderburgh County Cell – 812-459-7939 or Office – 812-303-7378


  1. What about, using smokers as an income source to fill budget gaps?

    This has to be a joke…

    The county anti-smoking banners leap in to take pieces from the chessboard thinking it’s game, set, match. But they forgot to check for all the counter moves?

    There’s no crying in chess…

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