We were taken aback by the incumbent 8th District Congressmen Dr. Larry Bucshon decision not participate in a public debate sponsored by the Evansville Courier and Press and WNIN TV.

In a recent interview with the Courier and Press, the Congressmen stated; “I’m probably not going to have any debates prior to the primary”. He also said; “I have over 90 percent name ID in my district, and my constituents pretty much know where I stand on the issues.”

We feel that Congressman Larry Bucshon decision not to debate his primary opponent is a disrespectful gesture towards the voters of Indiana’s 8th Congressional district. By dodging the only scheduled public primary debate he lost the opportunity to defend his past voting record and also confront his primary opponent, Dr. Richard Moss stance on issues that are beneficial to the voters of the 8th District.

It seems that Congressman Bucshon feels that attending a dinner engagement in Sullivan Indiana and his alleged 90% name recognition in the 8th District is all that he needs to win the upcoming Republican primary. The voters of the 8th Congressional District could care less about his name recognition but are more concerned about his voting record during the last two years?

The voters of the 8th Congressional District would like to see Congressman Bucshon defend his views and votes on Funded Abortions, Sanctuary Cities, Amnesty, Re-structure of Obamacare, The Trillion-Dollar Deficit Spending Bill That Was Tacked On The  $1.3 trillion Omnibus Bill, The Building And The Funding Of The Mexican “Wall”, North Korea Challenges, Future Education Funding, National Defense Spending to name a few issues worthy of public debate.

Perhaps the Congressman have lost sight that taxpayers are his employer and pay his salary.  When an elected official participates in a public debate it’s similar to that of a job performance review. A public debate gives the taxpayers a chance to review the elected official job performance and determining whether he should be rehired or fired.

Many people feel that Congressman Bucshon showed arrogance and contempt towards the 8th District voters by cowardly ducking this debate. By doing so the voters are now considering him as just another elitist Washington insider and a career politician.

Oh, if Congressmen Bucshon would have attended the Evansville Courier and Press and WNIN TV sponsored debate he would have faced a well prepared and articulate Richard Moss MD, a self-described constitutional conservative.


  1. As Bucshon again thumbs his nose at the electorate we must return the favor this year. Make this Seldom Seen Larry’s last hurrah, he has been a truly worthless congressman.

  2. Larry has earned the monicker “Seldon Seen”. His arrogrance has grown over the years. He sold his primary residence in the 8th district and has set his sights on becoming part of the federal bureaucracy. Just another politico looking for a government tit to latch onto.

  3. Debates are nothing more than a chance for liberals to get a “gotcha”. Larry has nothing to gain by debating Moss and everything to lose. I don’t care if I ever see Larry, I can read and know what he’s doing. I belong to the Larry Bucshon club and will vote accordingly. I know above all else that Congressman Bucshon will,” do no harm” to the things I hold dear.

  4. He ran away. He can’t keep his hands to himself. He won’t own up to his actions…My kids are better behaved than Larry Bucshon!

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