Combined USI choirs perform Spring Concert


The USI Chamber Choir and Women’s Choir will perform a Spring Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 29, at Trinity United Methodist Church, located at 216 S.E. Third Street in downtown Evansville.

The combined choir will perform Volkmar Leisring’s “O filii et filiae” for double choir from the church’s two side balconies. They also will perform John Rutter’s “Te Deum” for choir, brass and percussion.

The Chamber Choir will perform selections from their upcoming tour to Ireland, May 8-16, 2012. Included will be several arrangements of Irish Traditional music, and the choir will be accompanied by members of the Rowan Tree Irish Traditional band and traditional players from the ranks of the Chamber Choir.

The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Daniel Craig, director, at 812/464-1736.

The combined choir also is performing Francis Poulenc’s “Gloria” with the Owensboro Symphony Orchestra on April 21.