Making Sense by Michael Reagan

It’s clear President Obama —- despite the boos from Flyover Country — doesn’t plan to get off the national stage any time soon.

Unlike most former presidents, he’s not going to leave Washington next month and quietly live out the rest of his days in one of the many hoods he grew up in.

He could buy a big home in beautiful Hawaii, where the golf season never ends and Washington is 4,700 miles away. Or at least move back to Chicago.

That’s where he made his political bones, where he worked and taught law, and where he became the great candidate of hope and change.

Sure, Chicago’s war-torn streets are mean and deadly with gunfire.

But since Obama and his family will get lifetime protection from the Secret Service, there’ll always be half a dozen agents around to cover them whenever they have to go out to the corner store for a carton of milk.

Unfortunately, President Obama and his ego are not going anywhere, at least not until his youngest daughter finishes school.

He’ll stay in Washington, close to his friends in the mainstream media, where he can be the always available commander in chief of the Democrats’ raggedy Trump Resistance Movement.

Obama is already rehearsing his new role as America’s Other President.

Recently he made headlines by boasting he could have beaten Donald Trump and been reelected to a third term by running again on his message of hope and change.

Too bad the Constitution got in the way. But Obama’s big ego can’t be limited by the Constitution — or reality.

He still doesn’t get it it:Trump’s victory was not just a punishing defeat of Hillary Clinton and her bad political ideas.

A majority of voters in states not called New York and California clearly didn’t want another four years of Obama or his amateur act.

In 1988, when George H.W. Bush was elected, he was effectively serving Ronald Reagan’s third term. Bush took advantage of the successes my father had in the 1980s.

Hillary was her own worst enemy, but she lost in large part because of Obama’s eight years of failure. Everything President Obama touched at home and abroad he left in wreckage.

During his reign the Democrat Party shriveled in power in Washington and lost more than a thousand legislative seats in state capitals across the country.

The alleged Obama economic recovery was so feeble it’s nearly invisible.

Except for the oil and gas fracking booms in Texas and Pennsylvania, which happened in spite of the Obama administration’s green energy policies, does anyone know a place where the American economy is prospering?

The wealthy counties around Washington, D.C. —- made rich by budget-busting spending spree of Obama’s federal government — don’t count.

Obama’s long string of foreign policy fiascos is even more shameful —- Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Syria. His legacies are ISIS and his Iran nuke deal, which is a ticking time bomb that a future president will have to stop.

Meanwhile, before he leaves office, Obama is still causing as much trouble as he can.

He’s not merely doing the usual innocentthings — creating a few new national monuments out West or pardoning a few hundred nonviolent drug offenders.

The future ex-president is still playing games with Vladimir Putin over Russian’s alleged interference in the presidential election and playing with fire in the Middle East.

He and his hacks at the State Department have been caught orchestrating a United Nations resolution condemning Israel’s plans to build new settlements in East Jerusalem.

Not vetoing the anti-Israel vote in the UN was a public bitch-slapping of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a petty American president.

Netanyahu is lucky. He won’t have to wait long for his pal Donald to kiss and make up with him and begin treating his country like the valued friend it is.

But President Trump and the rest of us will be dealing with all the messes “Third Term” Obama has made for a long time.


  1. The bitter and broke non-Reagan, Bourgholtzer/Flaugher, spits out his usual pack of lies and fantasies.

    Not a drop of Reagan blood in this clown. Cheap little huckster.

  2. Ah, Bandana, has crept out after his stunning defeat in November to feign ignorance of the truth by attacking the messenger for being adopted. I look forward to 4 years of predictable vitriolic hatred spewing out from his fingers onto the keyboard.

    • Ah, the serial troll disaffected has mistook me for somebody else. I suffered no stunning defeat in November or any other time. Disaffected is a very sick old man, a common garden gnome/troll. Flaugher/Bourgholtzer makes his meager living from trading off Dutch Reagan’s name and infected suckers like disaffected.

      • My God, DISAFFECTED piles on at the drop of a hat, no matter who drops the hat! (In the span of three days here at the CCO, disaffected claimed to not vote for Trump, then turn around and attack the citizens who were critical of Trump! Real bravado there.)

        Everyone in here knows Bandana was bashing Hillary relentlessly all the way through the general election. Can DISAFFECTED prove any more he is little other than a follower, servile and unimportant…a minion?

      • So, why did you attack him for being adopted, I wonder again? I didn’t say I disagreed with you, but belittling someone because they’re adopted is not justifiable in any circumstance. And, no, I know it’s you I was calling out.

    • “Ah, Bandana, has crept out after his stunning defeat in November to feign ignorance of the truth by attacking the messenger for being adopted.”

      Jan 1, 2017 at 8:31 am

      Is this writer the same guy that owes everything to his father for thinking up “Candid Camera”? – disaffected

      Example from disaffected’s disliked article; “Americans don’t like a candidate who says one thing to woo voters and then flip-flops once elected. Yes, Trump has conceded that the wall on the border with Mexico might be a more modest fence, and true, he’s apparently decided against mass deportations, and granted, he admires many of the best features in Obamacare, and, yes, he has recently deduced that climate change might be man’s doing, and, of course, he no longer intends to prosecute Hillary Clinton.”

      No reason to try to make stuff like this up, it’s all low hanging fruit for the picking around here folks. – Regulator


      • Well, you were interesting, but you’re getting over it. I suppose you have deducted a penumbra from my words that only you and Bananas can see. I seem to have been mistaking your previous posts for insight, but I was wrong once before.

        If the low hanging fruit is all that’s within your reach, it’s yours.

        • You sound embarrassed for being caught being a hypocrite by accusing Bandana of doing the exact same thing you did, attack the messenger because of not liking the message.

          I noticed above you also tried to make a hypocritical point by stating, “belittling someone because they’re adopted is not justifiable in any circumstance.”

          So for $100 dollars, the question is – Did you vote for this?


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