City Council Votes to Defund Roberts Park in 2014 Budget


The Finance Committee of the Evansville City Council has just made a recommendation to pass a City budget that will eliminate $1.5 Million earmarked for Roberts Park infrastructure from the 2014 budget submitted by the Winnecke Administration. The budget passed by a vote of 7 – 2 with Council members Weaver and Mosby voting no.

Other cuts were also made to the budget in small amounts.

This is a developing story.


  1. I’m not surprised that Weaver and Missy voted no. County club Mosby and Weaver are both puppets of the Mayor.

  2. It appears that CCO succeeded in “rattling cages” that needed to be rattled, once again.

  3. I believe ‘Roberts Park’ was a suitable placeholder name for that property and remains so. What better name could be employed to await a viable offer from a developer? ✰(Websters [Wobbly Webster, outta Jersey] defines ‘viable offer’ as: One that would provide ample pelf to be distributed quietly or in kind to those who would have to sign off on whatever had been silently hatched to grace the Roberts site.)✰

    All the diagrams and so forth never seemed to me anything other than running in place. Treading water, waiting for the man with the big cash-crammed Halliburton suitcase to come to town.

    Evansville continues to appear to be making it up as we go along. Politicians from the much maligned smoke-filled room would have had their ducks, and possibly their Duckworth, in line before starting. Dog park indeed.

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